I was one of the guys who finished 2nd in my class and got FAIPed. I am still pissed and here's why. Our class was not the best of classes and we ended up washing back a few dudes who got behind the timeline for one reason or another (not weather). What didn't get washed back with those dudes were the FAIP slots. So, we get to assignment night and have 4 active duty assignments and 2 FAIP slots to fill. Hmmm, I knew I wasn't first and I knew I wasn't last, so what was I going to get? Plus, the week before I went in and had a 30 minute conversation with my flight commander how I wanted to go to TPS. I have the grades from college and the engineering degree...he just looked at me and nodded, knowing that I already had my FAIP assignment. He didn't even try to change it. Who knows how many fighters are going to be left in 3 years for the FAIPs. With the budget drawdowns and UAVs, I can see the "FAIP Other" drop coming our way full of heavies. Sure, being disgruntled isn't a reason to not do my job...but it is a reason to get out when the 10 year point comes around. As it has been said, "I love the f^cking Air Force, and the Ar Force loves f^cking me!"