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Everything posted by Toro

  1. And I bet they don't make that horrendous swishing sound when you run.
  2. This must be a record - less than 24 hours and I've already credited the thread with a rename. Solid work, Tracer Tong.
  3. Of course no fine upstanding Air Force member would endorse forging such a valuable training asset as CBRNE, but if you're interested in what the completed certificate looks like, PM me.
  4. That's exactly how's it done for the F-15E FTU at Seymour Johnson.
  5. Genius.
  6. I never would have figured, what with your screen name and all. AFI 36-2903, Table 2.6 No exceptions for payot.
  7. First off - whether you are a pilot, intel, or comm is not going to make that big of a difference. It's the fact that you are in the Air Force and you're going to pick up and move every three years, thereby making it difficult for her to (a) find a job where she can practice Chemical Engineering (b) gain any sort of seniority as a career professional Second - If you are "sure you'd be happy with Intel and Comm" then don't apply for a pilot slot. There are guys out there who would kill for a slot and you're waltzing in not really caring that you're there. Last - When you say "continue her education as long as she can," what are you talking about? Do you expect her to drop out when you get moved to Laughlin and she has nowhere to transfer her credits to? If her intent is to get a degree, then she should be in it for the long haul, not just "as long as she can." The harsh fact is that somebody is probably going to have to sacrifice. Whether that means somebody gives up on their job or you guys are separated so you can both do your thing will depend on you.
  8. Okay, then how about this -
  9. PIT info
  10. We use AHRN. It doesn't screen applicants, but it's DoD sponsored for use by military families, so you've got a bit of built-in protection. It's also nice in the sense that you register your rank and PCS dates and location, so it can use those to search for houses in your area or check your potential renters. It will also determine BAH based off rank.
  11. Toro

    Search Function Issues

    Unfortunately the three-letter search process is still not functional. However, I have tried to keep searching easier by modifying any thread titles with three-letter acronyms to the spelled-out version along with the acronym. So if you use the expanded search function to search for "Instructor" (yields fewer results than "Pilot" or "Training") you find Information on PIT (Pilot Instructor Training).
  12. Possibly. Orders are harder than the port call date. AFPC and your gaining unit decide your RNLTD, but you decide your port call date based off your RNLTD. If you have a valid reason (I think you do) and your Flt/CC can get the Sq/CC to talk to the Sq/CC of the gaining unit, you should be able to massage the RNLTD. There's really no difference. If you take leave before you PCS, then you report back in to your current unit (SJ) and log it through leaveweb. If you PCS out, take a bunch of leave and show up at your new unit, they will subtract your actual travel days from allotted travel days and if you're in the negative you'll be charged leave. Can't help you on the physiologist portion.
  13. I got married prior to the B-course, but I was a Flt/CC at SJAFB. I would strongly recommend against getting married immediately after the B course unless you know where you're going (which you're not going to know until about a month prior to graduation). Some guys stick around for a while until the gaining squadrons are ready to take them (they sometimes wait because you have a 90-day MQ clock that starts when you arrive), but others leave immediately. One class had the Lakenheath guys leave one week after graduation. Get it in writing or it's worthless. If you stay CONUS they're generally flexible with that kind of stuff. Your problem is going to be OCONUS with your RNLTD and port call dates, which are more difficult to change. Better how? It really doesn't make a difference to anybody but you.
  14. Thank God I don't have daughters...
  15. It really depends on how much you think you can handle. First off, I would not recommend getting married at a place other than your Phase III location - trying to coordinate at a different location is difficult enough - coordinating to get out of town in time would be a nightmare. Columbus Day weekend is a good idea since it is a three day weekend and will allow you time to decompress (with your new bride of course) before getting back into flying. You may be able to get the previous Friday or the following Tuesday off, but you cannot count on it. As you will soon learn, you're not going to have a whole lot of free time during Phase II or III. Since you probably don't want to do to much planning before you track select, a lot of this is going to start around the time you start flying in Phase III. You'll have to do much of your planning on the weekend and as the time gets closer, your fiance will probably have to do a lot of the coordination since you'll be tied down with your flying schedule. As long as you accept that the honeymoon will be delayed, keep the wedding near your location, and do well with your time management, you'll be fine.
  16. Concur. Finance completely fuggered up my pay when I PCS'd here. First they 'forgot' to stop COLA payment from my previous assignment and had to take back a month's worth. At the same time they 'forgot' to pay me COLA for my new location. Then I had to resubmit TDY orders to get FSP that I was due. Then they CNX'd the combat zone entitlements I had already been paid from my previous assignment. Apparently (Finance Guy, please confirm or deny) your entitlements (with the exception of tax free) stop the day PRIOR to departing the combat zone. In my case, I left on the morning of 1 Sep and was originally paid HFP, HDP, and FSP. A month later, Finance realized this and (without bothering to do so much as send me a simple email) withdrew several hundred dollars. Had I left on the second of September, I would have been able to keep it. Lesson learned - if you have an option between leaving on the 1st or 2nd and want to make a couple hundred bucks....stay until the second.
  17. I originally posted this as a response to the New Weapon School Patch thread, but moved it so as to not draw too much from that discussion. I absolutely wish I was joking about this.
  18. Wow...really? You must have a lot of pull if you can counter ALL of the people in your year group +/- 4 years.
  19. Okay, I need help with this so I can take my laptop TDY. I recently got a new CAC and now I can't use it on my laptop for any websites (Portal, Leaveweb, Webmail, etc.). The certificate that shows up is the old card, which worked fine on all those sites (apparently they automatically update on .mil computers, but not on personal computers). I went to AF Portal using my 69 character password and downloaded the newest ActiveClient software ( to see if that would help, but now ActiveClient doesn't even recognize my card - I get the message "Your smart card is not initialized," which I assume is because it doesn't have the new certificate (the card works fine at work). I called the Comm Nazis, who told me, "I dunno...we don't deal with personal laptops," and the only site I found on Google requires a CAC to access (go figure) So how do I get the certificate for my new card and/or get ActiveClient to recognize my card? I have already cleared my old certificates, and it does not allow me the "Make Certificates Available for Windows" option. And two separate but similar questions - - Is there a way to label a website as "trusted"? When I was able to log on with my old card, every time I tried to open one of these websites, I would get an IE07 warning screen that said something to the effect of, "The certificate from this website is not trusted...do you wish to continue (not recommended)." Not a huge deal, just a pain to have to click through it every time. - Is there any way to load this stuff to Mozilla? I would completely $hitcan IE 07 if it weren't for these .mil sites.
  20. Not sure about the missing three, but those two, plus "This'll only hurt for a little while" are from David Allan Coe's "Three Biggest Lies in the World"
  21. Mandatory hot chick (I know, too many clothes) And a chick for Bender
  22. I think the Wiki entries are hilarious, but you guys are doing it wrong. If you call him "Combat Foglesong" and refer to him as an idiot, then yes, it's going to get deleted. His page has been under attack since shortly after this thread start (not to mention I'm sure there are individuals who have never been here who have defaced his page) and so...yes...I bet he - or somebody who actually likes the guy - watches that page. So you need to change your tactics: If you make legitimate references and provide hyperlinks to his failed achievements, then that's fair game IMO. Don't say stuff like "He is a complete assclown and everybody who served under him hates him." Say something like, "Foglesong's eclectic programs were privately rebuked by the military members on whom they fell," with a footnote that hyperlinks to this thread. Then say something like, "Even in his post-retirement employment at MSU, Foglesong continued his attempt at instituting these policies at the University. Contrary to the military populace which could not openly decry the eccentric policies, the University students and faculty openly resisted his policies." and hyperlink to one of the many MSU articles or Op/Ed pieces about what a kook he is. And so on and so forth - with a valid source document, anything is possible. Now - if THAT gets deleted, you get the Wiki moderators (or whatever it is) involved. Tell them that whoever is deleting the information is preventing verified information from being portrayed because this guy has a God complex. I would do it myself, but I've never tinkered with the Wikipedia edit and honestly I don't care to learn. But if you guys are already messing with it, do it the right way. Subtlety is sometimes good.
  23. They ought to start a radio station...I'd listen.
  24. Been happening to me as well. I generally stay logged on as long as my computer stays on, but once I log off or restart the computer, my baseops login gets kicked off.
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