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Everything posted by FlyingUte

  1. https://erikbrewer.wordpress.com/2011/11/28/does-the-bible-talk-about-unicorns/
  2. I am a big fan of Smith sunglasses and have been for a few years now. They have a line of sunglasses out now for military/LE at the following site: https://elite.smithoptics.com/ If you register for an account you will save close to 50% on MSRP (works like usstandardissue.com). I called them up to find out if they have a way to sign up for an account without sending in a copy of my ID. I spoke to the guy who checks all of the emails and he told me he will typically approve someone that sends the request using their .mil account (this is what I did). I really like the lifetime warranty Smith offers on their sunglasses. I sent back a pair after 3 years of regular wear because the lenses started to peel. They gave me full credit towards a new pair of sunglasses. My roommate had a similar phenomena with his Oakley Flak Jackets (the lenses started to peel) so I wouldn't chalk up my problem to shoddy workmanship on Smith's part.
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