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Helo Kitty

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Everything posted by Helo Kitty

  1. Does anyone recommend any Vanguard ETFs? I'm currently maximizing my ROTH IRA contributions and also contributing to my TSP. I've established a 6-month emergency fund and now looking to expand my stock investments.
  2. FWIW, it also aligns us with our Army bros who give AAM authority to Battalion CC's (Lt Cols).
  3. Apologies if this is the wrong thread for this, but my leadership is encouraging me to put in for Phoenix Horizon... Does anyone have experience with this program or info in terms of duty locations? Does AMC have you TDY most of the time or are you stuck in one spot? The PDSM is a little vague and I'm looking for some more info before I discuss with my family.
  4. Our base has a 'SAPR Day' coming up May and the base SAPR (via Wg/CC) required every unit to ID enough 'instructors' for a 1:25 (instructor:student) ratio.. these instructors have to attend a mandatory 8-hour training class. All Airmen have to attend the down day horseshit and if we're on leave/TDY we have to 'make it up'. Its an absolutely unbelievable waste of time, manpower and resources.. /endrant
  5. Might be a dumb question.. but if someone added all the 'overages' listed in the RIF and FSB matrices, would it come close to the 7-8K officers Big Blue wants to cut? EDIT: I would add them up myself, but I'm not a nerd.
  6. Why is BRAC and reducing excess infrastructure not a possibility over the next three years? It seems that the top brass refuses to challenge Congress on the BRAC issue and instead goes after people and jets because its a lot 'easier'. The Air Force is getting smaller; I get that. But if we're cutting a shit load of good people and aircraft, can't top brass ease/balance/reduce those personnel/aircraft looses by eliminating a couple bases out there? I'll nominate one right now: Cannon.
  7. At what point does the Air Force match cuts to aircraft and Airmen with reduction in excess infrastructure? I have read about Gen Schwartz and Gen Welsh requesting for additional basing reductions, but nothing seems to come of it. My troops feel that top brass are only eliminating aircraft and Airmen because 'its easy' compared to working with congress to actually ID and cut some excess bases.
  8. What the ?! I thought only nutcases like the Taliban, Shabaad and al Qaeda had issues with a babe in a bikini?!
  9. Army just switched over to something similar as well for their OERs.
  10. I'm not with an AF unit out here, but 90% of us wear hip holsters. If you're not a flyer and wear the shoulder holster, you'll get some weird looks because its kinda gay. But wear whatever holster you want, like Nunya mentioned above, there are every type of holster worn out here and its not a big deal.
  11. Apologies if this issue has been discussed; couldn't locate it with the search. I'm currently deployed and one of my troops (E5) is hoping to get picked up for OTS after finishing his degree. He is a sharp guy, good dude, but has a DUI on his record. Is having a DUI a deal breaker for an AD enlisted guy applying for OTS? Any advice out there on a work around to this? The DUI is at least a few years old.
  12. Not really related to shadow boxes, but I'm looking to make some custom t-shirts for the unit I'm with downrange. Does anyone recommend a legit custom t-shirt site? I heard customink.com does not do a good job with applying custom designs to their shirts. Thanks!
  13. Deployment only lasts 3-4 months? If that's what you want, stay away from CE and LRS; our minimum is 6 months (+ training) and we have it good; I love being a Loggie. If you don't want to deploy, go Missiles. In the meantime, learn to take some advice like a man. You came here looking for advice and you got some great advice from some dudes who have been flying and kicking ass longer than you've been alive. If you don't like what you hear, then GTFO.
  14. I knew of two dudes back in 2010 who were booted from AD for failing academics at IFS. They were also forced to repay their undergraduate costs (can't remember if they were AFAs or ROTC). Don't know how someone could fail academics at IFS though...
  15. Why I say 'only small part of me'. I would still support the decision to mask the AAD, some frusteration in the beginning, but still needs to happen.
  16. Small part of me would feel a little shitty for all the mid and senior level Capts who scrambled to get theirs done before the lock after getting hounded to by the boss. Wonder if this would be grandfather'd in.
  17. Don't know if they're any other Bruce Campbell fans here, but the re-make looks promising (and super gross).
  18. I'm curious to know what drove this decision. Do we not have enough front line combat troops? If we're experiencing a huge shortfall filling combat capabilities and women is the only viable stopgap; then I support. In the text 'Stalingrad' by Anthony Beevor, many young Stalingrad women were conscripted and operated front line AAA batteries and fought bravely against intense Wermacht assaults. But then again, what female wouldn't pick up a rifle if horde of Nazi's wanted to shit all over their homes and kitchens? Regardless, I doubt Panetta opened front line combat career fields to women to fill a combat capability shortfall. So what's the reason? I'm calling foul If it's simply for 'equal opportunnity' because its a value that will never be shared by our enemies.
  19. Yahoo totally blows. Lets go with ESPN. I'm fine with $25 buy-in.
  20. I'm in!
  21. The base I'm at is trying to address some DUIs that have come down recently.. ~6 reported in 2012.. What came down is this contract that every rater/ratee is required to sign and a copy will go everyone's PIF.. Everyone is pissed about it.. Is this sort of contract even legal? I can't get a straight answer on what happens if I or one of my dudes refuses to sign it.. I'm all for being pro-active in trying to keep dudes from getting DUIs but this seems a little ridiculous but maybe I'm just paranoid... Here is the text of the contract: Airmen against Drunk Driving Agreement for Life Help your Wingmen and family stay alive – don’t’ let them drink and drive! I understand the dangers involved in operating a motor vehicle while impaired. I WILL NOT DRIVE if I have been drinking. If I am placed in a situation where a person driving is impaired, I PROMISE to call a Wingman to ask for advice or a ride, regardless of the hour or circumstances. NAME Because I care about you and others, when you contact me I PROMISE to help you through any situation in a non-judgmental way, either by suggesting possible solutions, or by providing alternative transportation, no matter what the hour or circumstances. NAME HOW THIS AGREEMENT WORKS · Both parties must read, discuss and reach an agreement on the terms. · This agreement provides an arrangement that has proven to be effective for many. · This agreement is designed to be used as a forum for discussion between front-line supervisors and subordinates. · This agreement is a practical step in dealing with the realities of situations that involve drinking and driving. · This agreement can be made between supervisors and subordinates, Wingmen - Wingman, or family members. Plan a sober ride home before setting out, designate a sober driver, call home, take a taxi, walk home with a Wingman, arrange to stay over with a Wingman or family, take local transit, or call AADD at ###-XXXX
  22. My sincere idea for a new motto... "Freedom From Above."
  23. Downzo $25/Month @ Vandy... Bummer..
  24. Reminder that our draft is tonight at 6pm Pacific.
  25. We got our 12 signed up so everything looks good to go. I set up 3 divisions of 4 teams each. 6 teams will make the playoffs. The 3 division winners will get an automatic playoff berth as will 3 wild cards with the top overall records. Top 2 division winners will get first round byes. Weeks 1-3 and 11-13 will be intra-division games and weeks 4-10 will be inter-division.
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