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Everything posted by Parker

  1. Sorry I'm bringing this thread back after a few months of no activity but I figured it would be better than starting a new one. First of all I appreciate everyone's input back when I was about to graduate college and asking questions about the training and the career field. Now that I'm down here and half way through the pipeline all the information makes so much more sense and I'm really enjoying it and the weather :) Now I'm looking at assignments and am really interested in Geilenkirchen because of the mission and its close to my grandparents and cousin over in Bad-Ems and I'd love to live in Europe again for a while. I have some questions about the base and surrounding location and hoping there's some experienced ABMers out there with answers. First of all I have a rescue dog that I was told is a magyar viszla mix but hes been mistaken for boxers and pit bull breeds so I'm hesitant with moving into Germany since everything I've found out points towards not being allowed to import a pitbull looking breed into the country. Because of this I was looking at Maastricht or Sittard in the Netherlands. My question is am I allowed to live in the Netherlands being stationed at GK or is there a restriction to the immediate area? The other question I have is about bringing in guns. Is this allowed? My husband really doesn't want to be without his handgun for safety purposes and would prefer to bring it but at a certain point the hassle just isn't worth it. I'm going to try contacting the consulate over in the Netherlands and get an answer (I have a feeling its going to be no) but I thought I'd ask just in case anyone has any valuable input. Lastly, I'd appreciate anyone's input on their experience being stationed at GK good or bad :) Thanks in advance
  2. Its been a while since I've checked in, got all my waivers (woohoo!) and I'll be going down to tyndall Sept 30th. Another question I have is that I unfortunately made the decision to adopt an AmStaff (aka pit bull) 3 years ago and he pretty much is my child, I've been looking for rentals in Panama City and havent been having any luck apartment wise finding a place that will let me keep him. I'll live out of my truck if I have to but I hope it doesnt come to that :) was hoping anyone might have any sort of leads on places I could rent with my puppy. Thanks, I really appreciate it.
  3. Thanks abmwaldo, that was super informative :) I do have a small issue that arose on Monday at my flight physical. I've had PRK done and it's corrected my vision to 20/20 in both eyes with an astigmatism in my left eye. I'm planning on getting this corrected but couldn't be on MRS any longer so it'll happen over the summer. I failed my depth perception test with the 5 dots but I can pass it with the special glasses and 3d cards (the fly etc) and what not because that was one of the post op tests. I'm getting fitted for a contact to counteract the astigmatism but wondering if this was the death knell for my ABM dreams? Any ideas?
  4. Sorry if this has already been answered, I've used the search function in the forum and haven't come up with much. I'm an ABM select due to commission in June and so far I haven't gotten much information, mainly that training is around 1.5 years and that I'll be in an AWACS or JSTAR :) super helpful. I'm just hoping any of you ABMers out there might be able to offer more enlightenment, I'm really excited about the job so far but really want to know what its about. Plus I have no idea what to expect in Tyndall right now which is making planning hard. Will i stay in dorms like the pilots and CSOs are told to expect? Or will it be off base housing (perferable for me because I have pets and furniture)? Will I have time for anything? Whats the weather like? What should I expect when I go to Tinker/Robins? Are any bases preferable over others? I have so many questions and am just looking for someone to answer them and kind of clear up the uncertanties :) Thanks for any info you may have.
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