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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. I've also seen the opposite. Fairchild had a crew that got FEB'd two years ago. The FEB recommended taking all three crew member's wings, however when a FEB goes to the MAJCOM/CC it will most likely be vetted through the A3V office. In this case the A3V recommended retention for the Copilot and Boom, but to take aways the AC's wings, which was the right call in my opinion. However the majority of the time the A3V office will just go with the board recommendations.
  2. It's not frowned upon. However history has shown us in the USAF that being good in your AFSC, especially in the rated world, is sometimes synonymous with being a good leader. Are there exceptions? Sure. However not being good in your AFSC, especially in the rated world, is synonymous with being a terrible leader. If you want to be a leader as a young punk, go for it, you had just better be great in your AFSC. It's the "well make sure you only fly once a month so you can be the OG or Wing Exec" type mentality that people are tired of. People are tired of the less talent getting the promotions and self-describing themselves as "leaders" and Commanders. The talent right now is leaving the USAF. The people who are less talented and/or too close to retirement are the ones that stay. The less talented ones are the ones who are scared to get out, and then try to guilt trip and scare other people to stay in. They're scared because they know they won't do well in the post-USAF world. Want to look at leadership? Look at Apple. That company invests a TON of time and energy developing people as leaders. I've even had a great Wing Commander when I was stationed at Altus who learned a lot about leadership during his fellowship in Cupertino. http://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/988062/brigadier-general-william-a-spangenthal/
  3. BMC in one non-trainer jet and MR in another? Maybe. However MR in both jets? No way.
  4. You guys realize that Millenials start with those born in 1981-1982, right? That means there are Chiefs, though young I know a few, and Majors that are Millenials.
  5. Why not? The Army does it all the time with Warrants flying helos being the majority of the experience in the Army Aviation branch.
  6. And instead of doing that I'm fixing iOS devices in the back and I make more than that. There are other folks that do the stuff you listed. I'm also a full time student.
  7. Technical Specialist. I work on iOS devices and some networking hardware.
  8. I asked my bosses at Apple how I would be able to check work emails at home, since their email server is behind a firewall. I was asked why would I ever think of taking work home with me? That was "my time" and that it wasn't an option to work from home. It was refreshing to hear that.
  9. A majority of -130 guys at my last base that cross flowed had the biggest knee pads sewed into their bags. Maybe those are the only Herk folks promoted. One of the Sq/CC at Dyess was the biggest anti-establishment/fuck the USAF CGO's we had in the 61st circa 2004 time frame . I'm honestly surprised he even stayed in to make O-5.
  10. All the FGO's got out home slice. Who else is going to be the CC and DO's "tasker slave?"
  11. Congrats gents. The grass isn't always greener, but in this case it's a putting green.
  12. The current Fairchild Wing King asked me, while he was the OG at the Deid two years ago and I was on his staff, if I read JQP, and if I did what I thought. I told him I did read his articles and I either agreed with him, thought he was way off base, or it was just a trash article. He told me that he read JQP, he went to UPT with Tony and personally knew him. He also asked if I knew that Tony had been published recently by Bright Mountain Media. He has to write so many articles per month to be published. Explains his nail biters of stories like cameras in the Day rooms of Osan and undercooked chicken at Camp Lejeune.
  13. Even if you feel wronged, SAF/IG still "determines" if the complaint is valid for the MAJCOM/IG or even the local IG office to investigate and may possibly kick it down to them. Wanna have a real IG? Take away local IG's because they're worthless. Consolidate all that manpower to the MAJCOM/IG or possibly SAF/IG to do inspections and complaints. Of course every Commander would shit their pants if HHQ IG came in to investigate a complaint instead of the worthless local IG, who's really just a watchdog for the Wing/CC.
  14. Received this message via social media. I guess it's big news? "I had originally talked myself out of writing you altogether but after thinking about how quickly Big Blue turned on you... I've obviously rethought that. I work at AFLOA and you are the talk nearly daily. CSAF has been briefed. I can't help but sit on the sidelines and laugh at this shitshow. Thank you for sharing your story publicly. I hope you press full steam ahead with making as much noise about this as you can on the outside." The AFLOA is the Air Force Legal Operations Agency.
  15. Wing CC's get around that whole "fair and impartial panel member" called for by the UCMJ by selecting the most "qualified member" for a Special Court Martial, or recommending to Convening Authority for a General Court Martial. What does that mean? A lot of Sq/CC's. I had six Officers on my panel, three were Sq/CC's (as was the President) and one DO who was going to be a Sq/CC. Five FGO's and one Captain. However any side can challenge any member for cause of bias (must be approved by the Military Judge) and both sides gets a preemptory strike, which means they can kick a member off the panel without cause. Interesting note, both sides employ a forensic psychologist who's job is to sit on witness interviews and make notes for the lawyers. They also sit in the gallery during the court martial and take notes on potential panel members during Voir Dire (picking of the panel members) to give to the lawyers and accused to make recommendations to boot, or keep certain panel members.
  16. It's probably the dude involved in my court martial. If I were him, I'd probably retain some counsel since the AETC/CC and his Sq/CC just downloaded loaded my evidence file.
  17. You forgot one major thing, a court martial requires the "beyond reasonable doubt" for standard of proof, not the "preponderance of evidence" for Art 15's, Admin Sep/BOI's, etc. And sure the government can add (and less likely remove) charges, however it's completely up to the Convening Authority if he/she want to do that. For example my case started with four specifications of Art 92, however the Preliminary Hearing Officer for my Article 32 hearing (if you go to a General Court Martial, you're having a Art 32 hearing unless you waive it) said to throw out one of the specifications because it was bullshit. Also right before my trial one of the government witnesses was going to plead the 5th if she took the stand, so the CA dismissed the charge with her. So your mileage may vary. Also Officers ONLY go to a General Court Martial. Summary's and Special Court Martials are for Enlisted. As for the federal conviction thing, no one really cares depending what you're found guilty of. And if it's even found, they ask what it's for. Being found guilty of Military Only Related Offenses, like I was, it either wasn't found, nor listed because it wasn't considered a felony or misdemeanor. I was hired by two major airlines and a computer company. No Commander, especially in the Air Force, will offer an Art 120 charged offense an Art 15 with the current witchunt with regard to the sexual assault allegations.
  18. For the record, I didn't buy the jacket. Also I have no idea who's account Holden is.
  19. Maybe I was trying to drag their names in the dirt? They've have drug my name, career, family in the dirt the last 1.5 years. Maybe I was trying to gain public awareness? The "system fairness" wasn't there, nor was it ever going to be. The government had two complaining witnesses (girls) who both lied saying they never banged me, then the next day one girl said I sexually assaulted her and the other one said I sexually harassed her. They also had a witness who was former friend, who fucked both of them too, claim I raped both of them and I said a bunch of stuff I never did, then tried to testify against me in court to hide the fact he committed adultery and had unprofessional relationships as well. So the government turned a blind eye to girls making false official statements, all three of them committed adultery. Yet I'm the one who's held to the letter of the law? Nah, it's all or none, not some. I then had careerist pussy Commanders who really didn't care about fairness, clemency, and actually holding people accountable. They were too concerned with how horrible it would look for their careers (i.e. fired) if they charged "victims" for their collateral misconduct or gave me any clemency. Thr Air Force doesn't give a shit about me or my family or if I can pay rent on the first. Why would I care about them? Surely if these girls, former friend, and leadership did no wrong and did everything right, they would be more than happy to have an internal review of their actions. These assholes always love controlling information, much like a dictatorship. They HATE their dirty laundry made public. I took their control over the information away from them, now they're freaking out, only because it could possibly affect their careers, they don't care about anyone else. Ar the end of the day I fucked up and paid more than my fair share of the price. I'm not asking for my job back, or doing the "man I'm innocent, this is bullshit" whine because it's wrong and not true. But everyone is accountable for their actions and someone needs to stand up for this sexual assault witch hunt the DoD is currently doing.
  20. He isn't either. A court martial is neither a felony or misdeameanor. Depends on the state he decides to live in after. Most consider confinement for more than a year as a felony. However he was convicted for Failure to Go, a military related only offense. Most civilian employers won't care, if a background check even finds it.
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