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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. I saw a guy deployed, get sent home early, so he could PCS because he was "hand picked" to do this program. This was in 2014 so I think he's almost done with it.
  2. Prior Personnel guy here. As soon as anything is updated in MilPDS, it'll be viewable immediately in vMPF. As stated above SURF's are just snapshots of MilPDS every few weeks.
  3. I don't think you'd like a lawyer telling you how to fly, lawyers don't like pilots telling them how to interpret law. If you think CC's don't consult the base JA for almost every piece of paperwork they issue someone (especially in AETC), then I have some beach front property to sell you in Wyoming. Also if you knew anything about how IG complaints worked, which it sounds like you don't, the first question they ask you is "have you tried to resolve this through your chain of command?" Good luck.
  4. http://www.military.com/daily-news/2017/02/28/impending-pilot-shortage-a-developing-national-crisis.html
  5. Do you guys have an Engine Failure Assist that deflects the rudder if you lose an engine on takeoff or landing? The KC-135 has one if an outboard engine is lost.
  6. KC-135 deployments are 60-77 days. If you deployed for 90, you'd time out on hours.
  7. The contract MX folks at Altus for KC-135's and C-17's were phenomenal when I taught there.
  8. It's a fancy way of saying "Student Flight Commander" in a FTU TRS.
  9. No they didn't. The TRS/CC banned alcohol in Non-Prior Service Airman's dorms.
  10. Wanna scare the career ball washers and cake eaters? Spread a rumor that FEF's will now be part of the PRF's...
  11. Friend of mine went KC-135 -> Global Hawk -> Kc-135's. I've never heard of anyone else doing it, but it's not impossible.
  12. They should already be using FE's...to make sure the pilots run their checklists!
  13. Read this on CAAFLog today. If this is true, Welsh should have some explaining to do. http://www.caaflog.com/2016/07/21/caaf-specifies-an-issue-involving-air-force-lieutenant-general-franklin/#comments
  14. I know the guy who was tapped to be the Wing King initially, and then was told she was going there. Trust me, it worked out for Macdill.
  15. Apparently it's news worthy.
  16. They just got a female Guard O-6 career C-130 driver to lead the Active Duty Nuke Mission tanker base. Enjoy.
  17. Guy at my base (non-vol) just had his Creech assignment turned off because the pipeline is too full?
  18. Friend of mine is a -135/Global Chicken to KSUU -10 Reserves/Southwest. There is hope.
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