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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. I dunno, where do we get Sq/CC's and DO's from to be in charge at the SERE schoolhouse since there's no Officer SERE AFSC's to pull from? Other AFSC's (11H's, STO and CRO's). We'd figure it out.
  2. If you have GTIMS access, you can access web GTIMS from the www.baseops.net homepage. This has to be done from a .mil computer.
  3. Which is bullshit. And another reason why ATC folks are leaving in floodgates as well.
  4. Jobs that would be WO jobs in the Army, Marines, and Navy including the LDO's in the Navy), are farmed out to SNCO's in the USAF. The RPA pilot and some Enlisted aircrew jobs should be WO's.
  5. He stares are you and your uniform to sum up if you look like shit/out of regs before even talking to you. Of course he's been doing that since he was an O-6.
  6. Enlisted Global Hawk Pilots http://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/637192/af-introduces-enlisted-global-hawk-pilots.aspx
  7. A buddy of mine in Global Hawks just got released to go back to the KC-135 due to the mass exodus of 11M's.
  8. It's hard to get combat time when he's done three AETC assignments. The Vice is too busy making Discovery Channel specials.
  9. Turkey released the guard calls to the Mig before the shoot down. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/russian-jet-pilot-says-were-6898879
  10. The Turks posted the route of flight, via radar, of the flight path and where the Mig violated their airspace. They also warned them 10 times in five minutes. Oh well.
  11. So a west Altus, copy.
  12. Bronze Star from the Dhafra? Was the Green Bean under seige?
  13. Going to Altus as a third assignment IP in the tanker isn't as good as people think it is. The running joke when I was there was if you're the #1 tanker IP, that meant you're the #14 guy in the wing. Your quality 11M IP is getting the hell out and joining the airline corps. When I taught at Altus it wasn't uncommon (and seen a few times) for a CFIC candidate to receive orders to the FTU as an IP. A lot of folks out of both MDS's at Altus chose that assignment because it was the lesser of two evils (RPA's). The days of seeing the crusty Maj IP with a toilet bowl on his/her wings flying with young punks are being replaced by the upgraded at their first assignment and have little to no experience instructing. You would be surprised with the amount of Reservists that Altus hired. Though in a poor area it's not that far from OKC or Dallas/Ft. Worth. A lot easier to commute to your airline job as opposed to be a Reservist at Laughlin commuting.
  14. Manning RPA Pilots positions would be great justification for creating Warrant Officers. Of course the USAF is the branch that will let an Enlisted person teach Combat Survival or call in airstrikes, but not shoot a Hellfire.
  15. Saw a young copilot apply, and be successful, at doing this when her newborn had horrible life long medical problems discovered at birth. Goodluck
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