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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. they had too, th -141 wings were about to fall off.
  2. The first military version flight happened today.
  3. It happened in Washington state, which is pretty easy for military to obtain a CCW.
  4. Pray for Robinson then.
  5. They can open those careerfields if they adhere to the male fitness standards.
  6. Said very few ever.
  7. I just got a AFPC robot email at work talking about a new SNCO only commissioning program to rated officer. Dunno if they're waiving the age thing because I don't know too many SNCO's under 30 years old.
  8. The Aug 2009 Red Flag an AWACS crashed on the inside runway after shearing off the nose gear on landing.
  9. I was there from April to August 2004. Mid way through my tour the base implemented a "PT gear like" civilian clothes policy. I could no longer wear sandals in the DFAC. Most people just wore their flight suit/DCU brown or black t-shirts and basketball shorts. They even made us wear (or buy a shirt that had) a collar to actually fly home on the rotator. UFB
  10. The point you missed was he didn't have a lot, if at all CENTCOM deployment experience until he became the 379 AEW Wing King. This is the guy who allowed NCO's to be posted outside of the DFAC in the summer of 2004 to do proper shoe and clothing checks on people.
  11. Ft Benning is just above Ft Polk in terms of shit holes.
  12. This guy was the one that start all the bullshit at the Deid back in 2004. https://www.af.mil/AboutUs/Biographies/Display/tabid/225/Article/104898/major-general-jack-b-egginton.aspx If you read his sweet assignment history, he went from AETC Wing King, to Exec for the CSAF, to being the Wing King of largest AEW in the AOR a year after OIF kicked off and OEF was still young. All he knew was reflective belts, CGOC meetings at the Green Bean, etc. The argument that I've heard is that current Group/Wing CC's are the ones who were Sq/CC's back when Egg was Wing King and got tired of their policies that were bullshit and those now Group/Wing CC's have war fighting credibility, whereas a lot of leadership in the 2003-2006 did not.
  13. Maybe, maybe not. Look how the Masters requirement for promotion keeps changing almost every CSAF.
  14. So they're promising something they have 0% control of? Copy.
  15. Spang no longer has A-10's.
  16. Schwartz was given the task of fixing the RPA system that his predecessor didn't give a shit about and was one of the reasons he was fired per Gates' book. It was a giant mess when he took over the USAF.
  17. Yep, the KC-135 has had it for a few years with Block 40. Crossing the ocean is pretty sweet without making position reports.
  18. How's AFSOC RPA training compare to ACC's? If RPA's leave ACC, who should own them? ACC So like now? I'm in charge of Stan Eval, as a MSgt, because my Flt/CC is deployed for six months to the CAOC, all of my SELO's are deployed, Red Flag, AC upgrade, etc. I walk into the Scheduling office and it's completely ran by Enlisted with an occasionally Copilot, their Flt/CC is deployed as well. I walk into Training Flight and it's the same story. A majority of squadron's in AMC are ran by Enlisted because most of the Officers are gone. The only Officers I routinely see are the Sq/CC and one ADO who's filling in until October when we get our DO in.
  19. Buddy of mine is the Super there and said the Sq/CC is awesome. They had some 8010 issues a few months ago, however they're good now. I'd still go to March over Macdill since that's "AMC lite" for Active Duty. Fairchild owns March ADCON wise.
  20. Because the Air Force will always have a complex towards Enlisted employing weapons that aren't mini-guns.
  21. He's a tanker pilot, he knows. He was referring to using a 767.
  22. Uh no, the KC-135 holds six pallets.
  23. You will always need an airlifter that can haul more than six pallets, oversized Army equipment that can't be rotated via a side cargo door, and land in austere locations. The -46, or really any tanker, will never replace that requirement.
  24. Except it's a fixed pricing contract, so Boeing is eating up all the delays and budget overruns.
  25. There's a guy who works for me who quit USAFA his third year. They come in as SrA.
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