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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. Morris "Moose" Fontenot Tyler Voss (SHELL 77) Tory Pinckney (SHELL 77) Tre Mackey (SHELL 77) Ryan David (MAFFS 7) Chance Phelps
  2. SADL is easier to load than Link-16 on KC-135's. /useless fact
  3. http://www.172aw.ang.af.mil/spacea.asp
  4. Guy in my Sq got tagged for this as he was on a deployment. Had to come home early to out process and PCS.
  5. Booze, big watches, lifted truck, fast cars, and female coeds* *N/A if you're an Eagle driver
  6. Just got back from a TDY at McGuire and their renovated main lodging didn't have Wifi, only their main lobby did. Apparently the USAF is trapped in 1998.
  7. I taught at the -135 FTU during the initial push when heavies were dropping to T-38's. Overall the T-38 students I flew with either on par or were better than the their T-1 trained counterparts. Are there exceptions to the norm? Sure. On the flip side I know about 6-9 prior Heavy drivers, majority -135 background, that are doing just fine in the T-38A/U-2 community. Life isn't just blowjobs and ice cream.
  8. http://www.airforcetimes.com/story/military/2015/05/12/laughlin-captain-accused-of-adultery-fraternization/70943290/
  9. Why are ANG MAF units sending folks through T-38's?
  10. As a prior AETC instructor, and from what I've seen in that MAJCOM, I'm going to guess having an unprofessional relationship with a student which would be Art 92 (Failure to follow a lawful order) and Art 133 (Conduct Unbecoming an Officer).
  11. The problem with that, minus the comment from Maj Gen Keltz, is that if he was found guilty there's much bigger punishment that could be given instead of one handed down from a Art 15. If he had any doubt (or the ADC/Defense) that he would be found guilty in a court martial, he was wise to take the Art 15.
  12. It wasn't a court martial.
  13. Didn't 19th deactivate a few years ago?
  14. Buff can drop nukes, the B-1 can't via the original START treaty. /gameblouses
  15. Why wouldn't a Huey driver at Fairchild not take the bonus to be in AETC, live in the Pacific Northwest, and occasionally rescue a SERE student or stranded hiker?
  16. Some AETC bases (UPT bases, Altus) already have contract MX. The pros are they run circles around AD maintnenace in job knowledge and performance. The cons are they're insanely expensive to take them TDY, MRT, etc and you're subject to the WG/GS work hours and pay rules.
  17. Everyone is undermanned. I've been flying for 10 years and when I was new guy I used to fly 2-3 times a week. Now if I get that a month I'm lucky due to the cuts to the FHP. We, as an Ops USAF, do more training now in the sim than ever before. A byproduct of that are sorties are even more valuable for training, checkrides, etc. Want to retain maintainers? Get rid of chasing metrics, as a leader learn how to hear (and say) no when asked to do something improbable, and bring back certain reenlisment bonuses, and stop making the MX community cutthroat.
  18. The flight line has a horrendous manning situation, however you sound like a MX Officer or SNCO trying to justify a training practice because you're chasing one of your metrics. I'm speaking as a flyer who observes the Comm Nav or Engines troop reading off a card completely, while not looking at the actual aircraft nor flight controls, while doing the control and trim check during the preflight. Where then we have to stop, tell him to get his expeditor, and find someone who knows what they're doing.
  19. Azimuth

    QID 72

    Prayers for the crew. Less than a week for Shell 77 anniversary.
  20. I know most of the Test Booms currently in Seattle working on the KC-46 program. I worked at the KC-135 FTU with a few of them, and suffice to say they are very hard to please (sts) about any changes. They all speak of great things with the AAR system on the KC-46, and I would take their recommendations without a second thought. People said the same thing to McDonald Douglas when they built the C-17. Put a fly-by-wire and a stick in a heavy? That's stupid said all the -141 drivers that were transitioning. Now the Golden Child of AMC is the C-17. Let it prove itself (or not) before passing judgment, the first aircraft doesn't even have a boom on it yet.
  21. The AMXS/CC here told us he's 80 NCO's short of what he's supposed to have. Another problem for local sorties here is that only 5/7 levels deploy, which means most of them are deployed. That also means a lot of young 3-levels are left to launch/recover your jet at home. One thing that MX needs to stop doing is that CUT program. Nothing is more frustrating asking general Crew Chief questions and having a Comm Nav and E/E troop being the ones that's launching the jet and have no idea how to answer the questions.
  22. There's multiple camera, unlike one sighting window. I've had so much anti-ice fluid on the sighting window, being from Manas, that I've told an A-10 (who was supporting a TIC) to make his own contact and tell me when to extend.
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