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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. Not recently, unless you don't count Mosley's time as CENTAF (AFCENT)/CC. The last one the USAF had that wasn't any type of COCOM/CC was He Who Will Not Be Named.
  2. You gain the ability to look out completely aft of the aircraft and IR capable refueling. You also gain the ability of hydro and deice/anti-ice fluid not streaking down the sighting window.
  3. Only convincing you need to do is that A Code on the flight orders. This is a big issue in the Air Force, one knowing their lane.
  4. Having two pilots flip some switches to trail drogue a out (Omega) is a far cry from having a Boom Operator, in the weather/turbulence make a contact and try to offload 100K to a B-52 at night. The contracting AAR out completely is stupid. The -135 needs to be retired due to the steady rise in corrosion issues.
  5. Thankfully it won't be McDew. One has to have COCOM/CC experience to be CSAF. Don't count out Selva either.
  6. Because Maintenance has the same cancer that plagues the rest of the USAF. Good people care about the mission and want to turn a jet for a mission. And there's other, more senior people, who only care about offduty education, volunteer opportunities, and face time (sts) with senior leaders to get that next assignment, job, or strat. After being in a AETC assignment, with contract maintenance, I'm very skeptical about the quality, compentency, and honesty of an AD maintainer wearing less than five stripes. Sometimes it feels like my crew is buying a used car when reviewing the forms of some jets and asking about certain write ups.
  7. Guy that wrote is a kickass C-17 Loadmaster!
  8. The B-2 just sits alert?
  9. Just got done working with this unit at the Deid this past winter. One of the best KC-135 ANG units IMHO. Good luck!
  10. Westover is an interesting selection.
  11. Guy at my base (Boom) who was selected as part of the initial cadre at the -46 FTU was told his class start date was moved from June '15 to Oct '15 due to delays.
  12. Apparently a server somewhere in Colorado is causing computers to fall offline in a completely different state/base. ETIC: Who knows
  13. There's a reason why they're called the Mission Supression Group.
  14. And the three and a check flight products sucked, couldn't land, and sucked at right seat duties. Which is why when I left teaching at the FTU last July the PIQ course was five and a check.
  15. Never said it wasn't important. However outside of the Dual Role mission, the the lack of strategic mission and minimal AE support is what's also killing Big Sexy.
  16. Altus has 19 jets, maybe flies 4-5 of them routinely for the daily lines. However they'll never give them up due to their PAA with contract MX and the result of losing jobs.
  17. Jets will also flow to the boneyard (the ones with unrepairable corrosion issues) and to Fairchild as it becomes the only KC-135 Super Tanker Wing Ad wise. The KC-135 will be around for awhile. Block 40.6 will be released soon, which will be the last Block 40 upgrade as jets start to get the Block 45 conversion. I thought you guys aren't going away? Just ask your community about how important you guys are.
  18. Grissom or March
  19. He gave a similar speech to all us SNCO's last March at Altus. I still have faith with him because he honestly cares about the people and the USAF.. Skeletor left him with a shit pile and that's all he's had to work with.
  20. Clovis has more stuff than Altus.
  21. Azimuth

    Gun Talk

    The USAF has a marksman team as well. The Deputy OG at my last base was on it.
  22. Dunno, found it on Facebook.
  23. Enlisted Airmen are stationed at Travis and live off base. Somehow they're able to afford it. I think you'll be ok.
  24. You can do much better than the Steamplant. The Elk, The Goat, No-Li, Waddels, etc.
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