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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. The C-17 FTU lost about 18+ IP's during this past round of VSP's, including a lot of their lead airdroppers. Those guys/girls were 2-3 assignment folks who were definitely not in the bottom 10%.
  2. He said he got tired of the USAF always asking for money and weapons to fight "future wars" instead of focusing on the current wars. When he asked Mosely to do a study on increasing RPA caps he'd want to talk about more F-22's. He said the real reason why he fired the SECAF/CSAF was due to the nuclear incidents.
  3. Bob Gates book "Duty" explains in detail why he was pissed at Mosely (and really the USAF).
  4. What staff or IDE have you done (if eligible)? Have you been an exec at any level?
  5. No I read that wrong, ISU-70's. The KC-135 replacement is all about having better cargo/passenger/AE carrying capability than the -135, have a MWS/Countermeasures to be colocated with CAF aircraft in the AOR (less drone time = more fuel to offload), and be able to onload fuel as well.
  6. They're not replacing them, they're in Phase III of AMC's EFB program. All aircrew members have their own iPad's, however the crews check out iPad Mini's in a electronic FLIP bag instead of using paper FLIP.
  7. iPad Mini's are what AMC should've bought for EFB's. Macdill is already using them instead of paper FLIP. They fit perfectly in the flightsuit leg pocket.
  8. So like the Deid? Except I bet we won't wait 1-2 hours after landing for a parking spot.
  9. ETAR has the worst AMCC known to man. Hopefully being stationed there will increase the support service quality.
  10. Anyone have a time frame? I flew with the upcoming Wing King (currently the Vice at Kadena) and he said this was in the works. http://www.stripes.com/news/europe/raf-mildenhall-to-close-amid-other-europe-consolidations-1.322825
  11. The Alaska KC-135 unit is hiring as well.
  12. Rhat was a rugby player at USAFA. Doesn't surprise me.
  13. Jets in the boneyard don't need gas.
  14. Time will tell. I know a lot of the old heads in the community are very skeptical. But the test team in Seattle are some smart bros and they've told me it's a good step into the future of AR.
  15. Yes. It actually has stick shaker built into the system (ALAS, Automated Load Aleviation System) to shake if inadvertent input are made to the control stick.
  16. No hydraulic fluid, deice/anti-ice fluid on the sighting window. Nothing like trying to make a contact with a A-10 or B-1 at night and not being able to see out of the window due to it being covered in hydro fluid, hoping you don't hit the canopy/window. According to the test guys in Seattle night AR will be IR. The ability to see completely behind the tanker with the multiple camera angles and views. The biggest change for -135 Booms is sitting up, not having to fly the boom around while in contact. A majority of -135 Booms have neck, shoulder, or lower back problems due to the 1950's era ergonomics.
  17. Nothing is worse than Rat.
  18. Looks like he spent a majority of his career as a student. 1,500 hours? Just saw he was the Fun Burglar's Wing Exec. He should've received a medal just for that.
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