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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. The new Course 14 is 3,000 poorly worded and confusing slides, with no module reviews, and a 37-question test. Then they wonder why the failure rate is reported to be around 50-60%.
  2. Almost as bad as those flashing blue and red lights that you guys forget to turn off at night.
  3. If anyone knew what the fuck an "observation light" was.
  4. He's too busy giving dirt naps to enemies to be a Top 3 Officer.
  5. There's one C-17 Sq in ACC. So probably not.
  6. That might actually get Rainman to post.
  7. Our Sq's Flight Doc flies all the time, really wants to be engaged with the Sq that he has his own office in thr Sq to get away from the MDG. Flight Doc's are either outstanding or horrible, there's no happy medium.
  8. What, are you supposed to change your local training sorties callsigns monthly and used secure and Have Quick on every sortie? GMAFB How about we focus on the dipshits who compromise the Comm's daily in the AOR first...
  9. A non-pilot? Nope. Plus she's junior to all the other potentials. My money is on Selva.
  10. Depends. I got in trouble at my last assignment and was made an example of. I wasn't going to get a dec at all as a SNCO. The Sq/CC who handed me a LOR and UIF, and let me keep my MSgt stripe, wrote a push note to the OG saying I had recovered from something two years prior, I was human and was bound to make mistakes, and I was one of the best SNCO's in his Sq and while I wouldn't get an MSM, I did deserve a PCS medal of some kind. He is a leader, well known in the C-17 and KC-135 community. I get what you're saying, however in my experience most Sq/CC's wouldn't of done a push note like that because they just don't want to argue or get on the radar of their boss. But that's the problem. The OG/CC doesn't really know me, my Sq/CC does. He/she are the ones who go to bat for me. If I'm a Group/CC and I have a Sq/CC going to bat for one of their troops over a dec, and they don't do this all the time, I'll approve it because I'm trusting my Sq/CC's judgement. The AF is now filled with risk adverse managers who are too worried about upsetting their bosses and/or possibly derailing their career over sticking up for their troops.
  11. This Colonel gets it. Good read. http://www.wpafb.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123430954
  12. McDew or Selva will be the next CSAF. Yeah, put another Herk guy in charge.
  13. So they made a mistake, tried to own up to it, and you're still upset about it?
  14. A few prior F-15C drivers from Montana ANG moved to the Washington ANG flying KC-135's. I've also seen a few folks from Ft Smith move from A-10's to KC-135's.
  15. Please, as a prior FTU instructor getting DG sometimes is just luck of who you flew with/checked with and whatever grade they wanted to fill out in the Rec/Check database. It's as flawed as PME DG.
  16. I usually don't listen to people who talk about a particular MDS's lifestyle, then state they don't fly it.
  17. There was a male KC-135 Nav married to a female Eagle pilot at Kadena a few years ago.
  18. That's common sense, which isn't apart of AMC.
  19. No, apparently the stowaway on the Herk at Ramsteim scared some folks at AMC.
  20. Was told today that to do a Coronet to Hawaii, per AMC, crews will have to check out guns, arm while flying, A-Bag, and ground chem mask. This is for all TACC tasked missions that aren't CONUS, unless otherwise specified in the IFM remarks. I'm so done with this shit.
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