I'm a prior Personnelist, and I know how the UMD/UMPR work. However having a FTU Instructor Nav and a Rec/RPA Pilot AFSC on the same SURF is a major foul, unless that person went to UPT after being a Nav. Duty AFSC does mean squat after Major since that's what goes on your OPR and what billet you fill.
Somehow it doesn't surprise me that this happened.
Well you might get your chance. Right when I was leaving this summer 20+ IP's in the 58th VSP'd or TERA'd out. The grass isn't always greener. The RPA out of UPT guys found out that their "hours" didn't count for anything when they got paroled to an MDS. So they'll be meeting their Maj boards as copilots, maybe AC's.
Spoken like someone who never taught at LTS. I spent four years in that shit hole and would punch, with 13-years in if sent back. The grass isn't always greener.