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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. This is the same OG who got a "raised voice" from the CSAF when he was in town on his lack of initative with the status if VSP applications and the hold at AFPC. Hope he's ready for the following IG/Art 138 complaints.
  2. Azimuth


    I keep hearing this a lot. I checked out Geico and USAA is still cheaper by far, at least for me.
  3. It says a lot of Tony's character with the decision he made to race today....which he cancelled last minute due to the back lash.
  4. Which I'm not discounting, that's Darwinism in it's finest. However I think Tony was trying to scare him by getting close and went too far.
  5. If this was some random accident by someone that isn't a quick tempered asshole like Tony Stewart, then this would't be news. However Tony is an asshole, the track was under a yellow flag during the time the kid was hit due to the wreck, and I find it ironic that the guy who caused the kid to wreck is the same guy who happened to hit (and kill) him. Manslaughter charges, it'll be settled out of court cause he's famous.
  6. This is probably one of the saddest, yet courageous, commentaries I've ever read. After reading this, go hug your children. http://www.386aew.afcent.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123420007
  7. Let me know when you're here, so I can watch.
  8. Russians mock Obama's birthday. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/08/07/russians-project-racist-happy-birthday-message-on-u-s-embassy-in-moscow-to-mock-obama/
  9. Story is now released by AFSOC. These guys are receiving the 2013 Mackay Trophy for their heroism https://medium.com/war-is-boring/u-s-air-force-finally-talks-about-that-time-three-v-22s-almost-got-shot-down-d6fdeea9313c http://www.afsoc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123419548
  10. I thought Eagle drivers have been around since the 70's?
  11. I remember being a young SrA in Balad back in '05 and getting my ass chewed, for good reason, by a Marine Capt for saluting.
  12. Because the MX Officers got pissy and whined there were little command progression for them (the MX Officer in a flying Sq worked for the flying Sq/CC).
  13. If the RC folks are difficult to set up incentive flights, the Nebraska KC-135 are great folks and would help in a heart beat. I spent five years as a Personnelist before I became a Boom. As a support person you get sheltered in your world and it's easy to become oblivious of the real mission of the base you're at. Had I not been in a C-130 squadron, and had been given incentive flights, flown organic airlift, It probably wouldn't of sparked my passion for flying.
  14. Yeah, that's not right. It's obviously Ops's fault.
  15. Hopefully they were current on their Human Trafficing CBT.
  16. He should tell her that his side chick doesn't mind the assignment so she quit bitching about it.
  17. Why is the Senior Rater on his OPR the WYANG Wing King, and not Rhatigan? Yet Rhatigan ordered his removal. This isn't how every other TFI in the MAF rates. This is very shady. Good on him keeping all of his support documentation.
  18. Out of my MDS's Vol 3: 3.7.1. Flight Duty Period (FDP). FDP is the period of time starting at mission report time and ending immediately after the aircrew completes the final engine shutdown of the day. 3.7.2. Crew Duty Time (CDT). CDT is that period of time an aircrew may perform combined ground/flight duties. Plan the mission so aircrew members may complete postmission duties within maximum CDT. An aircrew member may perform mission-related duties for other missions when approved by members home station SQ/CC or equivalent. So FDP starts one hour after alert and ends when engines are shut down. While CDT starts one hour after alerted and ends depending on what your MDS's Vol 3 says (mine 18+00 for basic crew, 24+45 for augmented crew).
  19. I'd heard rumors about Kaiser's DUI, but that was before my time. I also had heard rumors about him getting friendly with the CSS and Intel Airmen when they were deployed circa 2003, but never proven. I know he blacklisted some Herk guys from the 89th when he was the recruiting officer. I'm friends with his Load Superintendent and he has nothing but positive praise for Kaiser, and he was stationed with him before. So YMMV. He's no saint, but neither is Rat (considering his old Sq failed an ASEV right after he PCS'd unscathed), but Rat is connected and in the driver's seat. I saw him do shady shit as well to people's lives so I'm not surprised about all of this.
  20. As someone who was stationed with Kaiser and had Rat as a Commander, I'm not surprised by the story.
  21. That's also the only thing that made Altus tolerable for me. I had great leadership and was in a great Sq. However that's always subject to change with people PCSing.
  22. If you're having trouble accessing Move.mil at your house, it's probably your DNS server. I had been using Google's DNS servers and couldn't figure out why I couldn't access the site. I switched to my ISP's and it works fine.
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