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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. The cops have to pull you over for a primary offense (i.e. wreckless driving) and you have a .05 - .07 BAC for it be a DWI. Being stopped at the gate for random vehicle checks does not meet the criteria for the DWI law here.
  2. Commander dropped the charges against said individual due to the two components of the DWI law in Oklahoma. He wasn't pulled over for "driving while impaired." Lesson learned.
  3. It's not a no-brainier, a DWI isn't a DUI, therefore he was cited and released. Should someone accused of a DWI receive the same punishment of a DUI, if found guilty?
  4. Very true. He wa going through the gate since he lived on base. No civilian cops involved.
  5. For the record the individual that was the cause of this thread received a DWI, not a DUI.
  6. Tony Carr pulled his Altus commentary.
  7. The problem with the USAF is that a lot of folks try to make it cooperate America and not a military branch.
  8. That's all fine a dandy, and this type of stuff still happens. I lead 21-people, have had DG's in PME, first time folks make MSgt, and given out referral EPR's and denied decorations, watched people get promoted/demoted, etc. I've had a guy who had seven PT failures from his last base (and the Wing King there retained him), start getting in the mid-80's now on his PT tests. But you're our shoes, you praise the great things people are doing, you punish those who fuck up, however you try to get them back on the team and not cast them away, you enable people to overcome their weaknesses and make them better, but you still have your 5% that fuck up and don't honestly give a shit. You've sent the message to your subordinates that this shit won't be tolerated and they'll be dealt with appropriately. Should you be replaced if you're doing in your power to stop them from making bad decisions, yet they still make them?
  9. AADD and there's a drunk bus that's free.
  10. I don't consider blues as a punishment. But then again I had to wear blues and BDU's for five years in a different job before I flew. There are folks who wear blues four days a week on staff, bet they don't consider it a punishment. Ball kicking, demotion, stripped of instructors status, referral EPR, and TCN duty deployed for six months were given to the last guy who got an ARI....and guess what....we just had another one. So what do you do to stop the trend? Obviously I'm a realist, people are still going to get DUI/DWI's, people are still going to make bad decisions, but if you can mitigate the amount, how would you do that? Every time someone has gotten in trouble, we've had the Sq/CC Commander's call and he flat out told us what the individual did, what's most likely coming for him punishment wise, however he also tells us not to ex-communicate this individual, and to look for him, keep him on the team, help him bounce back, etc.
  11. Why's that? I make more than an O-1, get $350 a month in flight pay (ours doesn't go down like yours), get more BAS, clothing allowance, and due to my job was paid 30K over four year, tax free, to reenlist. For a majority of Enlisted folks who joined right after high school, once you're an E-5, pay isn't really that bad once you factor in the allowances and special pays (if you get them).
  12. I don't think it's being used a punishment tool, I believe he's using it as a reminder that we're in the military and held to a higher personal accountability standard than civilians, a lot of people forget about that and need to be reminded from time to time. Wearing of blues/service dress (which we only have to wear blues tomorrow) due to discipline issues in a organization has been around the past 13-years I've been in. I remember formations in full service dress in 2001 because someone got in trouble, etc. People wear full service dress when being court martialed. I like how all of a sudden people are upset that folks are being told to wear blues to an ARI, however these are the same folks who were trying to schedule flights or sims to get out of blues Mondays a few years ago. I'm PCSing in 25-days and I'll be wearing my blues tomorrow, not bitching, because I know this isn't a message to the old guys like me, this is a message to all the new guys that you'll pay the price when you make decisions like this. Plus due to Altus being so small and a multiple MDS FTU, there are more options to get free rides home than I've ever seen at my previous four assignments. There was really no reason for this person to do what he did. If you were the 97 OG/CC, how would you approach this? Because the rumor mill has spread for the past few ARI's, and folks know what happened to those individuals (demotion, instructor status stripped temporarily, etc) who were involved in the ones since March. I can tell you that the current OG here is a lot more personable with people than the last OG. And the Sq/CC I currently have (he's about to leave this week) is the best Sq/CC I've ever had in my career. It's not an issue with commanders taking it personal, I think commanders gave too much latitude in certain areas and you'll always have some people that when given too much latitude will make poor decisions. For the most part folks here are responsible and do the right thing every day. You'll just have the 5% of people that occupy 95% of your time and resource in a negative manner.
  13. Someone in my Sq here had the current ARI (and actually works for me) that spawned the blues on Monday. The OG here has had four permanent party ARI's since March, with another guy in my Sq receiving the last DUI, which was in March. I realize this is for shock value, however I also realize that something has to be done and the current "climate" we have isn't working, because the OG and base cannot continue this trend.
  14. Looks like the MTI's took a play from current trainees by reporting someone just have them removed just because.
  15. Four were approved from the -135 FTU. I know a few were approved from Fairchild.
  16. No, the sad part is that some commanders still won't lead correctly, even with an AFI telling them what's expected out of them.
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