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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. Altus for FTU and McConnell for the first base? Pass
  2. You'll get flight pay once your Aeronautical Orders (AO) are cut, which is normally the first day of intial qual at Little Rock. Family separation will start after being seaparted for more than 30-days. As for Abah I don't know the rule for ANG/AFRC folks.
  3. For the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, Chief Master Sergeant of the AF, Sergeant Major of the Army or Marine Corps or Senior Enlisted Advisor of the JCS, basic pay is $7,816.20. It's a note on the bottom of the 2014 Pay Scale chart.
  4. Yeah seriously. You're speaking out of your lane. The only basis that you have over a "protocol fail" is the fact Chief Cody, who is a good Chief and not an E-9, is the fact he's Enlisted. You're leaving out that he's the top Enlisted Airman in the USAF, he's not some MX Chief, not the some base's Command Chief, he's the highest ranking Chief in the USAF. Does he get certain privileges that go along with his office? Yeah, he and the VCSAF speak for the Chief. He speaks for the 326,259 Enlisted Airman in the USAF to the Chief, Congress, etc. The Enlisted bashing that goes on this forum sometimes is old hat.
  5. Then why do I hear Group/CC's who are O-6's call the Vice and Wing/CC's (who are also O-6's) "Sir" or "Ma'am?" They're the same rank, why can't they use first names all the time? Same with when I see the DO interact with the Sq/CC. It's a position thing more than a rank thing. It's "highly optional" for you to salute a MoH winner, even if they're Enlisted. How would you know what both their responsibilities are you if aren't either?
  6. Fuck keeping your personal firearm in the SFS armory.
  7. On a different Navy/Hornet note... http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-blue-angels-commander-20140418,0,6710044.story?track=rss#axzz2zIQkKQtV
  8. What's the point of the CFP? I'm an IAO in my squadron and now I'm the guy that has to maintain DD Form 2587's, provision/de-provision/move user accounts when they PCS in/PCS out, and fill out Remedy tickets online. Last I checked no 3D briefed with my students, instructed on my sorties, filled out my TAPR's. This shit needs to go back to the CFP. When Comm created the IAO that was a way for them to dole out the shitty jobs they don't want to do. That's something that the Sq/CC needs to address with the OG Superintendent and/or OG/CC.
  9. A lot of additional duties will go back to the CSS's once the UMD's for each unit update to have support personnel back in the squadron. One of the dumbest moves by Air Staff was to take away CSS's.
  10. Normally if they're caught by their leadership for sleeping on post that's and automatic Art 15 for dereliction of duty.
  11. I'm a -135 Boom, who's actually PCSing back to Fairchild (was there before my current assignment). There's a winter and summer course in SERE. The winter one is shorter hiking wise. I went in June, which meant it rained every day, and we hiked everywhere. I would rather go when it's cold, then do it in the spring and deal with mud, melted snow, etc.
  12. The USAF is not going to spend money to send your SERE/Water Survival to have you wash out of BFE (and thus, waste money). On the Boom side of the house we see ANG/AFRC students go to SERE after BBOC (our BFE). Sometimes they do it after BBOC before Initial Qual or they do BBOC/Initial Qual then go after.
  13. I knew a Sq/CC who PCS'd all of his O's right at three years, regardless if they upgraded to AC/IP or not.
  14. They're still around, however I think they're closing them. I know the one at Ft Sill just closed to become a Subway.
  15. I'm staying on the small submarine base in Point Loma. That base has more stuff and nicer facilities than the AFB I'm stationed at. That wives tale of the USAF getting the nicer things on base is bullshit. The commissary here is the size of a Sam's Club. The NEX is split into two huge buildings. I've noticed that some bases make exceptions for certain things. Lackland had a Godfather's Pizza, Baskin Robins, and Arby's. Some bases don't have Burger Kings, like LTS.
  16. I stopped by Naval Base San Diego. Here's stuff, minus Subway and Starbucks you'll never find on a AFB.
  17. NEX/MCX's I've been to are lightyears ahead of the shitty AAFES model.
  18. 2 We have an IP/Patch who is the Wing SAPR POC.
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