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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. Going overseas for some is a crap shoot. I'm going to my fifth assignment with 13-years in...all CONUS and that wasn't by choice. Timing is everything, especially on active duty.
  2. You realize that a lot if young Enlisted troops use the BX to shop it since they don't have cars, and sometimes the Walmart, Target, whatever off base is too far away to walk to.
  3. You must not be at Altus. They closed our BX.
  4. Maybe in the soon to be extinct Big Sexy world...
  5. I thought USAFA was a DRU and not aligned (minus the flight training) under AETC?
  6. Pretty unique to go from KC-135's to F-15E's. Someone was probably bitter over something and remembered a skeleton in the closet. Very unfortunate.
  7. Glad the system worked, however it's unfortunate that had the drug scandal not been caught, this horrible core of missileers would've probably never been caught via the cheating scandal.
  8. Why would a FAIP need one? MC-12' deployment?
  9. The first two don't count since the first one was a Sq/CC in a KC-10 squadron and the other flew C-17's at McChord. I think CZ replaced Oliver as 463 OSS/CC when I was there.
  10. How many career slick Herk drivers are GO's?
  11. My favorite CZ story was he got pissed at Salem, when he was a Sq/CC, that people were selling their issued equipment on the base's "for sale" use group on Outlook. So he sends out this long worded email about how that's illegal, etc. Some FE hits reply all from CZ's and says he has a Camelback for sale in his room. He ended up with an LOR or something but everyone laughed and gave him props.
  12. Loadmaster I know at Pope was approved last week TERA, MSgt with 19-years.
  13. By far one of the worst Sq/CC's I've worked for.
  14. He said on the CVR that he was shutting off the SYD, the FDR shows the SYD remained active for the whole flight.
  15. That's the problem. Tyler went to turn off the SYD and turned off the EFAS (which wasn't active anyways) by accident. People are taught that the SYD is there to help you, which it is, however the aircraft flies just fine without the SYD on. The training aspect, or lack there-of, instills into pilots in PIQ to only kill the rudder power if you have unscheduled rudder deflection, not rudder oscillations, SYD issues, etc. Ever lose lose the right hydro system? You're going to lose the SYD as well. I've lost the SYD a handful of times flying and is it a pain with all the aileron inputs for the PF? Sure. Is it manageable until you land, absolutely. They should've slowed down, however the AIB's report states Tyler was putting rudder input while trying to level off and turn to the fix they were going to hold at, which the -1 says not to use any rudder inputs to counteractive dutch roll, which even had they slowed down we'll never know if that would of lessen the stress on the tail enough not to have it fail. The jet had SYD/PCU problems, started to dutch roll, the crew misdiagnosed the rudder problem because they hadn't been trained to analyze the type of rudder malfunction they had, and Tyler put in rudder inputs while the aircraft is in a extreme dutch roll, which made it worse and eventually the tail to separate.
  16. Also descend if possible. Dutch Roll isn't as bad at lower altitudes. If you loose the SYD or right side hydro at FL350+ and don't descend, you might have an inadvertent bowel movement.
  17. You applied for TERA knowing you were going to pin on Lt Col?
  18. Let your Sq/CC's be Sq/CC's. Don't micro-manage every little detail because you're afraid they're going to fuck up and get you fired. Don't tell them, unless their decision is very gross and negligent, how to maintain good order and discipline in their squadron. If you don't have 100% confidence in your Sq/CC's, then maybe they shouldn't be Sq/CC's in the first place. You're going to be an Group Commander. You were "brought up" in a certain community, career field, MDS to your current position. However those days are gone. All of the communities under your command are equal. Don't show favoritism towards "your boys" and give that perception to those under your command. Get to know the other communities, processes, culture, fly with them, how they work, problems they have as communities, etc. Be very careful on the Chief you hire as your Group Superintendent. Make sure they're a Chief, not an E-9 trying to be an E-10.
  19. My base told me that if I didn't do it by the end of this month they would change my BAH to single rate.
  20. The more senior members of a tribe are on the bottom of totem poles.
  21. Leave it to a Nav to post a picture with some dude's junk in it.
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