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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. I had some E-9 (who thankfully retired) Gunship SO on Air Staff personally call me over what I said on a USAF Humor Group on Facebook, chew me out for 20-minutes and end the conversation with "I'll be out there", then send PDF snapshots of my comments to my Chief and Sq/CC. In his email he quoted how I violated the week old AFI 1-1 section of "Social Media."
  2. You made MSgt in the Guard dude. Slow your roll.
  3. Or the fact we're putting up with the same (or even more) amount of bullshit that you guys are for less pay. People are tired and burnt out.
  4. Status 20 is the record status, that will also show up if you pull a record's review RIP under vMPF. I was a prior Personnelist for five years, and as soon as MilPDS updates are made it automatically pushes that info into vMPF. Things like SURF's are only snap-shots of MilPDS, so those only show the information that was in MilPDS at the time of the refresh.
  5. AIB is out http://www.amc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123403437
  6. How's that working telling O-5's no as an O-3?
  7. My first Command Chief at Robins was an Enlisted Aide for 2/3rds of her career. Her EPR's were pretty much bullshit, however they were signed by 3-4 Star GO rater.
  8. He was an MP flight training level "A" on the flight orders when I flew with him. He had no desire to be an IP in the -135. In fact he R&C'd me as an instructor while he was never one in the tanker. He's actually a pretty good pilot. He flew the -135 pretty well, however most prior -141 drivers fly the -135 well. And 5,000+ hours in multiple MDS's is nothing to scoff at as an O-6. There are plenty of senior officers out there who barely have 1,500 hours and do everything in their power throughout their career to fly the bare minimum to stay current/qualified.
  9. I can't completely remember but he said once they released the force management guidance, they ran into road blocks (laws) that they didn't know about, which affected the amount they had initially set.
  10. Both. He said that if sequestration is to continue its full term, it's going to until 2023. The USAF wanted to "plan ahead" and figured that they had to lose 25,000 people as a worst case scenario. If they cut that amount of people within the next 1-2 years the USAF would be fine until 2023. If they did not lose that amount of people fast, he would have to drawn down flying units ever years for 6+ months, like he did this year in ACC. Right now 33% of combat coded units are CMR, he said this needs to increase, so he needs to find funding else where to pay to fly (through personnel cuts). He said he only gets funding for 100% of manning in each career field, every person over that 100% he has to pay out of O&M funds to keep them, that's why if you're in a overage career field, expect cuts until it gets to 100% manning. He decided to delay the E-8 promotion release two weeks because he (and Chief Cody) didn't want to release the list during the time that the force management isn't stable. He also didn't want to promote someone into an overage in their career field and now all of sudden pop up on the retention board in May. He also said that he/Air Staff knew they would never cut 25,000 people, that's worst case. Plus they also knew that they wouldn't have to result to going for involuntary measures to get people out (hence why the RIF board was pushed back till Oct) because they would get enough volunteers. He said after he released the measures, and some "fine tuning" done by AFPC/A1 that number is going to drop and he expect it to be around 10,000. He didn't know about the delay in VSP processing/put on hold and got very pissed (his Aide de Camp said he's never seen him that mad) and made a very terse phone call to the A1 after the brief asking for explanation and apparently the A1 didn't know about it either. He apologized during the SNCO call and said it will get fixed when he gets back to D.C. What he's upset about is how information is going out from Air Staff and by the time it filters through mid-leadership (Wing/Group/Sq Commanders) we may, or may not, have received that information. Good example are the amount of folks who get more information from this message forum than from their leadership. What he did ask is for folks to have patience. He said that the USAF is doing some old (from the last draw downs) force management programs, to some that haven't ever been used before. There are going to be confusion, questions, push back, etc. He said that he made sure that the USAF provides the maximum amount of options, by law, for folks to make their decisions if they wanted to get out (VSP, TERA, Palace Chase, Palace Front) etc.
  11. Gen Welsh said he expects it to be closer to 10,000 cut.
  12. I told the Chief and Chief Cody we had to groom our staches (which they had). Ignore the guy who thinks they grow on his chin.
  13. Damn right he's a leader! He and Chief Cody came to Altus sporting proud mustaches!
  14. He was pretty upset about it when I saw him in the SNCO call he had.
  15. Enjoy wearing ABU's four days a week.
  16. I thought ESD did everything, well, once you get them on the phone after 50-minutes on hold.
  17. I've seen two A-10 guys (one even hooked is INIT MSN checkride) and a F-16 guy do very poorly in the -135 FTU. On the flip side I've seen a prior A-10 and Eagle driver do very well. All the T-38 grads we got a few years ago we're hit or miss. I think a lot of it obviously is your background/previous training, however a majority of it is the person trying to get better in their identified deficient areas. He's not a tanker guy.
  18. What makes the top -17 driver? Landing at the right airfield, with current TOLD, and the gear down?
  19. Unless USAFA has a 2903 Supt that restricts someone from growing a mustache that's not legal to enforce as long as it's in regs.
  20. His bio: AMC/CC's Bio Not really hard to figure out.
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