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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. Unfortunately 4-5 years to IP in the -135 is not accurate, it's much earlier.
  2. Then pick a careerfield that isn't able to be contracted out (i.e. Services, Comm, etc). Sorry Services SNCO we're forcing to retire, we need to keep the Boom or Loadmaster SNCO since, on paper, they're more valuable to the USAF.
  3. Same with a guy I work with. In fact he just got hired by United and pinned on Lt Col.
  4. AFPC started taking Enlisted VSP applications today...
  5. If there were only other bases that had tankers and if the CAOC had checked the forecast for UAFM that day and changed their boom lineup....
  6. Your TAFMSD will be the first day you started your original (Enlisted) service date. However your EAD will be the date you entered as an Officer. And like was stated prior, they'll see decorations you earned as Enlisted. That's really it, your old EPR's were purged when you came back on Active Duty.
  7. Apparently you didn't read the story. He didn't have enough TIG.
  8. Lt Gen Franklin is retiring as a two star. http://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20140109/NEWS/301090021/Lt-Gen-Franklin-will-retire-2-star
  9. I like that rumor, I'm a -135 guy going to SUU (non-flying) and would love to stay there as I get -46 class start date. I thought the C-5 was kept due to the capability to carry cargo that the C-17 can't? The C-17 was brought online faster that planned due to the wing box cracks.
  10. The only saving grace that guy has is he's not a fan of DD.
  11. Sounds like the guy that runs KLRF. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I'm from Cheyenne originally. A few years ago I talked to a young Huey copilot during an open house they had a FE Warren and he seemed pretty depressed about working for missileers. Hueys are probably no louder then the crazy wind or UP trains that run by the base constantly.
  13. So then what's the point of filling out ORM if you have to brief the O-6 regardless?
  14. Why is it SOP to call the OG for approval to step?
  15. They want to cut 1900 Enlisted Aviators (per Air Staff). I think a majority of those will be FE's.
  16. Written by a recently retired Chief/C-130 Loadmaster. http://mickeyinthemiddle.blogspot.com/2013/12/an-open-letter-to-congressman-ryan-and.html?m=1
  17. 36-2903 Sounds like you'll wear whatever your MAJCOM supplement says under 2903.
  18. Most Chiefs that are the Superintendents in the Ops Group are flyers themselves. And he's right, it isn't Robins Olds Air Force anymore. In fact, it's not Jumper's Air Force anymore.
  19. We sent an idiot from my last base to Cannon. The guy was late rated, prior Missileer, refused to do SOS (correspondence) or get his Masters cause he just didn't give a shit. Skill wise he had probably the best flying ability, as an AC, than most IP/EP's. However he was a such an overall pain to deal with in our community they decided to get rid of him. He's the one who then made a post on BODN trying to "trade" his Pred assignment with someone on here, then was laughed at. Thankfully the RIF board did their job on that one and got rid of him. He's somewhere in the Pacific Northwest smoking weed.
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