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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. Marines, shitting on junior Enlisted since 1775.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVb6VHvCupw
  3. That's called knowing your audience. You aren't going to talk to a bunch of A1C in FTAC about certain topics the way you'd talk to a bunch of FGO/SNCO's. Just like you probably interact different with your peers bullshitting differently than having a CC Call with your subordinates about the same topics. Don't really know how Wilkerson applies since his guilt verdict was overturn within the constructs of military law. I personally don't like people bringing their fucking kids to work. I don't want your kid(s) running through my office, in my debrief room (while debriefing), etc. But how popular would I be, the married no-kids guy, going up to the Sq/CC saying I don't like kids at work and I feel pressured to allow them to be in my office due to peer pressure. Do I go and file an IG complaint? Where does this crazy shit stop?
  4. I teach in AETC and saw the PowerPoint after the SIB was released. The briefer flew MC-12's at this location and gave us some background on the mission, crew compliment, etc that the SIB didn't have in their brief. I can say that at least in the MAF we do use SIB's for changes to prevent the same mishap from happening. We're starting to see changes in the KC-135 world due to the Shell 77 mishap. We were also shown the full C-17 Elmo crash brief, to include the unedited version of the video. I don't agree with keeping SIB information within a MAJCOM and not sharing. Lessons can be learned from all with unfortunate events like these. If you have wings on your chest, then you have a need to know to an SIB.
  5. I think the USAF got it's with out of the -135R. The one KLTS retired was due to un-repairable corrosion issues.
  6. No strategic bomber support probably hurts as well.
  7. Does the -10 have the strategic commitment us -135 guys have?
  8. So are they shutting down slick TFI's in '15?
  9. I meant in relation to me making a contact.
  10. We (-135's) aren't allowed to refuel Harriers with the Iron Maiden, they can only refuel off MPRS jets. Don't really know how Harrier drivers are complaining about an AR we can't do with them. There's a BUFF driver reading this laughing about people bitching about being in contact with 5-10 minutes while they take up to 15-20 minutes to completely refuel using the boom. Boom refueling is much harder (sts) to do and stay in the envelop, especially if you're a heavy, than drogue refueling.
  11. It's not nice to talk about the C-17 community like that.
  12. Being a -135 ANG/AFRC bum is a sweet gig.
  13. There are -135's that are equipped with soft baskets (MPRS) and can refuel two Hornets at once.
  14. The KC-135 was never designed to be a multiple-role aircraft or carry a huge amount of cargo. It was designed to refuel the B-52 so it could go nuke enemies if needed.
  15. AFI 36-2023 The Secretary of the Air Force Personnel Council and the Air Force Personnel Board:
  16. Which was a major step up from K2.
  17. That's the problem. He was charged with a crime that had been overturned, thus innocent in the eyes of the military justice system while he was a Lt Col. How did not serve honorably as a Lt Col?
  18. Apparently a base in Romania will replace it. http://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20131018/NEWS05/310180024/Hundreds-U-S-troops-will-deploy-Romania-next-year
  19. It's usually part of training when they're being told that they're responsible for fuel management, TOLD computation with the FMS, and other duties they were used to having the FE do. Scoff all you want at FE's being removed, however there isn't one on the KC-46 and 767's have been flying just fine with two pilots as with a lot of other aircraft.
  20. The iPad Mini would be perfect for FLIP.
  21. Which a computer is more accurate than any human could be. I fly with student pilot's that cross flow from KC-10's, C-5's, C-130H's, etc and when asked if they missed their FE, a majority of them state that they don't and they appreciate flying in a three person crew due to the fact it's "quiet" on the flight deck compared to their previous MDS.
  22. We're talking about a guy based on a story that some guy here heard from his buddy. I'd say 10% true at best.
  23. I fly on a jet older than E-Model Herks, that never had an FE, and it flies just fine. In fact the BUFF flies with all O's, lost the only E back in the early 90's, and still flies fine. I watched the AWACS crash at Nellis in 2009 when the Copilot landed nose gear first. Where was the FE then? Or the JSTARS crashed at the Deid. Where was the FE? The only people that miss FE's are FE's.
  24. I know a Boom with a CC directed Q-3 in his FEF because a new C-17 FTU IP allowed a student to crush an ice shield. Safety report comes back and places blame on the C-17 IP, doesn't matter the Boom still has his FEF tarnished by someone else. I worked with the guy in question at the -135 FTU a few years ago and now he's in A3V. He's been doing this evaluator gig a long time. Do you think he'd be sitting in A3V for the past three years if he wasn't doing a good job? You want to file a "complaint" over some "bullshit Q-3?" Good luck, do non-evaluators realize that when hooking someone you do have to make sure that it's within the criteria of the 11-2MDS Vol 2? Just like when crew members sign FCIF's stating they'll keep this pubs iPad charged to a certain percentage, take their rings, rags, scarves off before performing aircrew duties, etc.
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