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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. I might believe that story if there was a "HHQ Eval Boom" assigned to PACAF. However there isn't one. And I do know the OG Superintendent at Hickam, who's a Boom. However he's the best Chief I've ever met (worked for him at Altus), and he wouldn't do something like since he's been flying longer than most people on this message forum. How about he's the Aircraft Commander and he's telling you to do something, so do it. Inside "your damn airplane"...when was the last time you were the A-Code and owned the jet? I'm waiting for your riveting response. This board cracks me up. Had that been an Enlisted crew member that didn't follow the hat request 2/3rds of the responses here would be how the OGV guy is an Officer and the Enlisted guy needs to learn to follow orders, blah blah blah. I know, it's weird. It's like the CAF and MAF do things differently.
  2. Are Art 15's not offered? If so are the accused declining?
  3. Cannon has more, and is bigger by 20,000 people, than the gem known as Altus.
  4. The -135 FTU is flying like normal.
  5. As a student in AETC, sure. As an instructor in AETC, not really.
  6. Only thing I could find. AFI 35-108:
  7. Then you should probably do some 847's, if not previously accomplished, to change those deficiencies in your checklists.
  8. I, as well as most people here, think the CSAF is truly a great leader however his hand was forced with regard to this topic. As he's sitting in front of Congress getting grilled about the Lackland scandals, the 1C0 TSgt at Shaw, the SAPR Chief being arrested, etc. He really didn't have a choice in the matter with all of the mounting political pressure. Do you honestly believe, especially since he is a fighter pilot, that he would force his Commanders to make the changes like ones listed in the policy letter, had all of those events I listed not happened with a small time period? I'm not sure he would've.
  9. It would've been the last one. Glad I wasn't the only person thinking that.
  10. Why was it never a big deal with the songs, callsigns, etc until the past two years? Have you always felt that way about fighter pilot culture? Did you do anything to change it before the USAF conducted witch hunts?
  11. Where was the AC and why wasn't he being an AC during this EP? Oh wait, I read that unfortunate answer in the SIB when asked what he thought day man was doing. And why did you, as the copilot, decide that you were going to not accomplish the complete checklist? Did your AC/crew agree with this?
  12. The SIB makes the crew, especially you, sound like you had no idea what you were doing and only luck got that jet on the ground safely..
  13. If the raid didn't produce any results like drug use, underage drinking, etc the it is bullshit.
  14. No, you should've answered the question when asked and not get defensive about a simple question. To be honest no one here, including myself, give a shit about your bio nor your background. Also I don't think anyone here who wears any type of wings, including me, give a shit what crew chiefs think about flyers. Your snarky comment to a bunch of Officers is the reason why there are Chiefs and E-9's. You sound like the latter.
  15. So you want a message board, mostly made up of pilots, to fill out your survey, then you add this snarky remark when questioned about your survey. Good luck with your research.
  16. You are the reason why I can't stand a majority of prior-E Officers. I bet you were a dense dipshit when you were a SrA and then punched to do ROTC. A few copilots at my last base were sent to MC-12's and/or RPA's to get rid of them. Sounds like you're one of the "chosen" from your last base.
  17. I've flown with you in the tanker. Survivable might be an overstatement.
  18. Hopefully you flew the T-6 better than you fly the tanker.
  19. Apparently you've never met anyone from the -17 community.
  20. That was one of the original paint schemes. The KC-135 had it as well. Admin edit: Picture was flagged as living on a hostile domain. Fox 3!
  21. The funny part is that E's don't need a strat to get promoted if the overall record is good enough. Plenty of Chiefs walking around they may have only been strated once in their career and were promoted over the person who was strated multiple times and couldn't pick up a stripe.
  22. That's not even 100% true at my wing. Strats can be handed out depending on how well you scored on the PT test.
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