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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. Ospreys fly with two FE's (aka Crew Chiefs in the USMC).
  2. You do realize that there are some aircraft that train O's and E's to fly together and to work together right? Enlisted PJ's, SERE, CCT's, worked just fine for decades before the invention of CRO/STO's. In fact TAMI 21 also took a bunch of shitty staff jobs and converted the grade required from CGO/FGO to SNCO's. Apparently Levitow must have been following a checklist when he jumped on those flares to save the his crew and aircraft winning the MoH. There's no way he could've think outside the box.
  3. To account for what he was doing during those months. Happened to the Vice at Lakenheath. http://www.lakenheath.af.mil/library/biographies/bio.asp?id=16067
  4. Both are better than Altus. And by better I mean have a BX that didn't close.
  5. The AIB will be out soon. That is releasable to the public.
  6. Great advice, I do the same with subordinates. Give me the admin fill out from the shell (if its wrong, fix it), good content with action, impact maybe, and possibly result, I'll be the wordsmith, and leave the push lines blank.
  7. Azimuth

    PCS Bingo

    My DO at the time told me that. I just laughed and walked away. Dude at by last base had a fini flight that ended up being a no-notice check.
  8. The tone of this post makes me think your worst assignment was your UPT base.
  9. Azimuth

    PCS Bingo

    "I know your HHG pickup is that day, but could you reschedule it so we could use you on a crew for the NORE?"
  10. That happens at Altus a lot.
  11. Egress maintainers actually maintain ejection seats, not AFE. Glad everyone got out!
  12. Hickman, Spang, and Mildenhall (when they had one), always were helpful and I've never had issues. I saw a -17 crew wait at the window at Ramstein for 10-minutes trying to get someone to help them. The AC picked up the phone, which auto dialed the number to the A1C who was 10ft away, who then told him it'll be a 15-minute wait before he could help them. He was busy checking Facebook.
  13. Ramstein AMCC is by far the most worthless AMCC in existence.
  14. Some of us were able to see it in AFSAS before AFSC removed it.
  15. Not true in the MAF world. People can cross flow via a PHOENIX program.
  16. Tankers do more than just AR. I've done HR, AE, START treaty missions, etc in the tanker (-135) and have gone to a lot more cooler places than most would think. The -10 will do more Dual Role missions due to their cargo/passenger capability.
  17. And his boss is a _________. Game, blouses.
  18. Very tough read, especially when I personally knew all three of them. RIP
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