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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. This concludes your annual privilege training. Please log on a 1522.
  2. I'm an AETC FTU instructor and our FSO's allow us to review privileged information on safety mishaps.
  3. The AMC/CC was briefed by the SIB team today. The SIB report should be out sometime next week.
  4. Impossible, that's minimum of four FE's between two jets.
  5. We just had a passed over '03 -135 FTU guy join the Alaska ANG.
  6. How are senior leaders going to fix the cultural identity problem that has plagued the USAF for years? It seems that some senior leaders at all levels are more concerned with hands in pockets, reflective belts, what days to wear flight suits, and waist size instead of the mission of their base and leading their subordinates.
  7. You can't retire as an E-5 anymore in the USAF. I believe the President is the only one who can demote an officer.
  8. I think he's talking about committing adultery by having a kid with someone who isn't his wife.
  9. Since you're in the know, did the current CSAF condone or was against "rape songs" when he was a Sq/CC at Hill, OG at Moody, or Wing King at Kunsan?
  10. You're saying for someone to go to the IG if they tell their spouse bitches about their husband getting Q-2/Q-3'd?
  11. Except for the fact that 11-202V2 says the Evaluator's judgment is the final grade. I've personally seen an EP tell a Sq/CC that he wasn't changing the grade for check ride when the Sq/CC disagreed with him on the grade.
  12. He should retire in the last grade that he held honorably. If that's 1Lt/Capt, oh well.
  13. A majority of USAFA cadets that I flew a few weeks ago are doing Contracting, Scientist, etc just to do 5-years and punch.
  14. You'd be amazed. When having RPA's thrown around for possible assignments, Altus seems pretty appealing.
  15. Then why is there a 11M shortage in the -135 FTU? It's getting better, but only because the last Sq/CC asked and pleaded with AFPC for more 11M's.
  16. So "full use" is a guy who can't fly but more than 1-2 times a month due to his OG/OSS/Wg job? Please.
  17. The USAF will never let E's employ big weapons.
  18. I've seen people go to IP school (MAF), while in their current MDS, with orders already to go to RPA's. Reason: It's good for their PRF.
  19. You've apparently never been to Kyrgyzstan.
  20. That's because they're ill-informed, their hatred towards anyone in a bag blinds them, or both. I'm a flying E and the USAF paid me 25K three years ago to re-enlist and also gave more promotions to my career field because we're critically manned. I've also seen pilots RIF'd without any of the typical negative indicators (UIF, Art 15, etc), just probably a weaker PRF than average. No one is "screwing over the E's", they for most part don't understand the O side of promotions/retention because they aren't exposed to it.
  21. http://projects.militarytimes.com/citations-medals-awards/recipient.php?recipientid=43254
  22. Resetting the G Meter is part of the After Takeoff Climb checklist there.
  23. They don't fly with FE's though, so they might not run the right checklists.
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