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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. Our maintainers, civilians, carry a copy of our MEL. They just reference that if there's an issue.
  2. Not in the MAF. More like Court Martial or FEB.
  3. Yeah, you mean BOTH FE's talking about which engine was pulled back and NOT talking about it to the crew? What about the AWACS that pranged in a landing at Nellis in 2009 and snapped off the nose gear (jet is still at Nellis)? What about the JSTARS that flared way too high, in the weather, at the Deid a few years ago and sent some people to the hospital? Where were the FE's then? The C-17 was never designed to have an FE, so quit bringing up the "how do jets fly without some old guy yelling at us to run checklists and do pilot things" that seem to be brought up in the annual C-17 mishap post. The two oldest aircraft in the USAF inventory (BUFFS and tankers) have flown just fine for 50+ years without an FE.
  4. Buddy of mine made this video tribute for Shell 77.
  5. 17 drivers who think they're in the CAF
  6. You left out running off the runway at a FOB.
  7. They're the golden children of AMC. Not hardly.
  8. Checks
  9. https://www.stripes.com/air-force-sex-assault-prevention-chief-charged-in-sex-assault-1.219860
  10. Good luck bailing out of a KC-135 through the crew entry chute and living.
  11. https://my.news.yahoo.com/bodies-three-us-aircrew-144048963.html
  12. They've found all three bodies.
  13. Crew was from my old squadron. I knew the Boom and AC. Him Him
  14. Agreed. I saw the first J-Model fly in from Marietta to KLRF back in 2004. I watched almost every FE and Nav walk out of a Commander's Call in the 61st when the Sq/CC (a Nav himself) announced the J-Model's future at the base. If you selected slicks AFTER 2004 out of UNT, didn't get a TFI unit or AFSOC, you should've known the writing was on the wall.
  15. There was a Brig Gen that was going to testify against the credibility of the woman. I think her reason to lie is the fact she had a history of lying in the past. Also, and there's nothing illegal about it, but the Lt Col's jury didn't have one rated officer on it. However there were three or four medical officers on the jury. The woman was a civilian PA in the MDG at Aviano. Was Wilkerson really judged by a jury of his peers? We'll never know.
  16. You're right, the General wouldn't of looked at the conviction of a SSgt, the SSgt's Wing Commander would've been the convening authority. However in this case there was no physical evidence collected, and it was a tale of she said/they said. A SSgt probably isn't going to afford to retain Frank Spinner as a defense lawyer as well.
  17. What about the old AFMC Command Chief who cried to Lt Gen Allardice about being punished for sexual assault, adultery that Dice reduced his sentence by 16-months (from 20)? This isn't a E vs O thing.
  18. Does it matter?
  19. Well let me rephrase, I've seen plenty of first assignment TFI guys get Sq Exec, OG Exec, etc. Just enjoy being a copilot.
  20. First assignment TFI guys upgrade just fine when compared to the Macdill, Fairchild, McConnell first assignment guys. You probably won't sit a lot of 8010 alert compared to the major tanker wings, but you'll go to a lot more different places.
  21. That's how it's worked for the past 12-years I've been in. Blame Security Forces for starting the "Senior" things with SMSgt's, which apparently has spread throughout the MSG. I know in flying squadron's we still abbreviate to Sergeant because the AFI says to, and it's worked for the past few decades.
  22. After reading all of the FOIA information about the case, I think he made the right call. Even when his MAJCOM JAG told him to uphold the conviction. Also kudos to Capt Martin on his defense team, for personally writing a letter to Lt Gen Franklin about holes in prosecutions case and sloppy investigating of OSI.
  23. It's actually in 36-2618 not to call them "Senior." That and it sounds stupid.
  24. Michele Bachmann, enough said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTGs60EDhW4&feature=youtu.be
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