Yeah, you mean BOTH FE's talking about which engine was pulled back and NOT talking about it to the crew? What about the AWACS that pranged in a landing at Nellis in 2009 and snapped off the nose gear (jet is still at Nellis)? What about the JSTARS that flared way too high, in the weather, at the Deid a few years ago and sent some people to the hospital? Where were the FE's then?
The C-17 was never designed to have an FE, so quit bringing up the "how do jets fly without some old guy yelling at us to run checklists and do pilot things" that seem to be brought up in the annual C-17 mishap post.
The two oldest aircraft in the USAF inventory (BUFFS and tankers) have flown just fine for 50+ years without an FE.