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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. The fact that people respect you, on and off this forum, for the insight, advice, and occasional "WTF are you doing/thinking" moment is a testament to your character of not only a leader, but as a man. I don't know you personally, but a good old mentor of mine was an FE for you years ago and and said you're one of the "good ones." I'm not you, not even close, but if you positively affect the lives of this many people, then what service you did for our great country could never be considered a waste.
  2. Stop the PHOENIX programs. The CAF doesn’t do it, why would the MAF do it? Also keep people in their MDS’s. However AMC, and really the entire MAF, has a boner over making C-17 guys in charge of everything, however they have limited command billets. Which is why you see shitty people like Rat taking over a KC-135 Squadron and C-130 Wing for command as a career strart airlift guy. A running joke at Altus when I was there was if you’re the #1 tanker guy on base, you were really #15 on the base due to all the C-17 guys.
  3. Shitty leadership from the C-17 community? Weird.
  4. There are people who voluntarily join the military for their own reasons who are getting out left and right. The last thing you want to institute is a draft of people who DIDN'T want to be in the military in the first place.
  5. Mardon makes quality patches (or made). But it also depended on the squadron and how much they wanted to pay. All of my Mardon Fairchild patches would wrinkle after less than a year of flying and look like shit because they weren’t leather backed. When I taught at Altus all of their patches are were Mardon and leather backed and were great. Ramaworld patches looks like someone went to the old patch shop at Manas to have them made.
  6. One of the studs that dropped an AC-130 was a prior Boom (and 1C0). Great dude!
  7. You mean the Maj who signed the bonus and doesn’t understand why his peers are bailing for a greener grass? He/She deserves to be stuck with this stuff.
  8. So fired with a pension at a rank that most Officers never see? Must be rough.
  9. Really nice folks. However, their current setup doesn’t allow them to make leather patches did A-2 jackets. They’re hoping to expand this in the future.
  10. Maintainers made the worst Boom students with the “I fix the jet, I know how everything works.” This will be a terrible idea.
  11. Not every aircraft has a UARSSI, but got it.
  12. Last I heard they’re making it color (current -46 system is in b&w). Nothing will replace being able to see the receiver with your own MKI. All the -135 needed was a system to wipe off the hydro fluid, anti-ice, de-ice fluid inflight and it would’ve been fine. Boeing sucks. They hired Rat for Christ’s sake.
  13. The only people that don't think this program is garbage are the blue koolaid drinkers that are involved IOT&E program or some other directorate at AMC/AETC. "Yeah the AR system is in black and white because some doctors said you see better in black and white."
  14. How many Viper RTU’s are there now? Thought Luke switched to just -35 training?
  15. The old Dover OG is gay. He said that he never held it against someone, officially, when people would make comments against gay and lesbians. However he said he made sure to remember all their names.
  16. The old STUS/CC at Vance drew dicks on my checklist one flight in the KC-135 when I left my checklist on the Nav table. So I find this 10% truth hard (sts) to believe.
  17. Yeah, the 360 degree feedback is bullshit too. The currently douchebag that’s the 89th Command Chief had to do the 360 degree feedback and sent it to his “friends” to give him feedback. Surprisingly enough no one that either didn’t like him, had worked for him, never received it. Everything can be skewed in life and the Air Force would rather have professional “skewers of data” than addressing actual problems and telling douche bags they can’t be leaders.
  18. Actually, he was a Sergeant, and he’s still a Sergeant since the demotion takes place 14-days after the sentence and/or when the Convening Authority takes action (which will never be before 14-days in a General Court Martial).
  19. You don't sign a Form 8 saying you agree with it. You sign a Form 8 saying you've been debriefed.
  20. So an adult job... Like the airlines? I know one pilot, who was convicted in a court martial for drugs, flying for Kalitta and one who was Art 15'd for prescription drug use flying for FedEx. Southwest, Delta, and Apple didn't give two shits what my discharge was. Outside of filling out the block on "Protected Veteran" they never asked anything else.
  21. Depends on what it's for. A lot of people claim that a dishonorable is an automatic felony, that depends on a lot of factors and where you decide to live. Of course murder would be unanimous for a felony if adjudged in a court martial with a dishonorable because of what it was for. However Bergdahl was convicted of Military Only Offenses, some states would consider the offense of what he was convicted of and care, some wouldn't. Either way what happens next, unless he waives it, is the discharge is not executed. He still has to wait for possible clemency from the Convening Authority (most likely won't happen), and since the offense were committed before 2013, when the UCMJ changed, the Convening Authority has the authority to disapprove the punitive discharge. While he's waiting for that he'll use any leave that he has, and be paid, until 14-days later when the demotion takes place (or the Convening Authority acts before, which probably won't happen). After his leave is exhausted, he'll be placed in appellate leave status which is a unpaid status. He won't work, but he'll still be eligible for Tricare. He's waiting for the Army Appellate Court (ACCA) to review his case since he was sentenced to a punitive discharge, which takes about a year. If they affirm his conviction he can appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) to hear his case, and possibly overturn what the ACCA and Convening Authority approved. If the CAAF affirm his conviction he can appeal to the Supreme Court via a Write of Certiorari, however the Supreme Court has a history of not wanting to hear a lot of military trials since their decisions could possibly change the Manual for Court Martial/UCMJ, which are written by Congress and the President. A lot the JAG's feel that this was the right decision, as do I. Trump's comments as a candidate were stupid, but not technically Unlawful Command Influence (UCI). However affirming and talking about it the day prior to court martial starting, as the President, was very ignorant. Regardless of how one feels, if a Military Judge has to go on the record and hear and make a decision on the President's comments, that's never a good thing. Of course Trump's comments weren't going to affect the Military Judge, however the fact he considered it during sentencing means it was a mitigating factor for sentencing. And we all know him deserting led to his captivity, however he was still captive for five year in terrible condition. That was also another mitigation factor in sentencing. I think a punitive discharge, no confinement was the right call for a sentence. However Trump's comments are going to create a ton of appellate issues.
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