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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. Most people here know TAMI-21 as a sending young fighter wingman to RPA's, but another part of TAMI-21 was converting a lot of NAF and MAJCOM staff jobs from CGO/FGO billets to SNCO billets. It didn't completely phase out the staff job, but it did alleviate some constrained rated officer manpower in staff jobs.
  2. You’ll have to go back to MEPS and they have to waive any condition that the VA is treating you or compensating you for.
  3. If you're collecting a VA disability you either have that deducted from your pay, or you waive all of your VA disability for your full pay.
  4. By “weeding out the suck” you mean send to different communities in the MAF, yeah, the C-130 community is just as “guilty” as any other community of doing that. Reference: http://www.kansas.com/news/business/aviation/article171734662.html
  5. The good one's got out before O-6 or retired as OG's.
  6. This guy used to be my troop at Altus. He was a prior KC-135 Boom, put on MSgt at 10-years, Test Boom at Edwards before even going to OTS. One of the smartest aviators I've ever known. Glad to see he got his wish to go back to tankers. He's a great dude!
  7. I know, and knew, plenty of tanker pilots who have taught T-6’s there without ever going through the T-38 track themselves. Preferences and requirements are two separate things.
  8. I'm pretty sure there are MX Officers at Sheppard since that's where their tech school (AMOC) is.
  9. Different spanks for different ranks. You’re surprised? However since he’s drawing retirement pay, he’s still subject to the code and can be recalled back to AD if another Convening Authority wants to try him. The USMC just recently did that to a retired Gunny over kiddie porn.
  10. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2017/09/28/standing-for-the-national-anthem-does-not-make-you-a-patriot-heres-what-does/?utm_term=.f576a5845bc3
  11. I would say he has a good chance of not having no charges levied against him either, but a 0% chance is not true. That totally depends on how far a senior Convening Authority wants to go with a potential investigation. Also JAG’s are really good at making questionable conduct look like unsavory misconduct.
  12. Then he would have the burden to show that he’s solely doing it for IDE and not promotion potential. To counter that I’d just find a bunch of Wing Commander’s who would testify for me (the government) saying they are using different criteria to select for promotion, and possibly IDE, to make show that he might have an different motive.
  13. Actually there is a rule about it, it’s Article 92 (3) Dereliction of Duty. You’re either willfully or negligently not performing the duty. Duty can be imposed by a regulation, treaty, statue, lawful order, custom of the service, standard operating procedure, etc. I can then have other Wing Commanders testify that they aren’t having their wings create PRF’s due to the SECAF and CSAF guidance. By doing so I’m proving that he had knowledge of the duty by other people holding similar positions.
  14. The only IG that's worth a shit is SAF/IG. If IG manpower at the Wing and MAJCOM level were all consolidated to SAF/IG, thus making SAF/IG the only IG that had the power to investigate, Commanders at all levels would collectively shit their pants when there was an allegation filed. They wouldn't have control.
  15. With that gap between his teeth he looks more like a used car salesman in central Texas. http://www.dyess.af.mil/Library/Biographies/Display/Article/830836/colonel-stephen-l-hodge/ A career C-17 guy making dumb shit policies in other AMC MDS’s? Standard.
  16. At least he knows how to do formal retreat. Since he forced all of the OG to do it daily at Salem when I was there in 2005 and he was the OG at the time.
  17. This was written by my old Squadron Commander at Altus. He's the best Commander I ever had in 16-years. He's one of the "good ones" and is definitely what is right with the Air Force. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/leaders-eat-last-do-still-park-closest-christopher-lanier/
  18. Once they start cancelling missions due to lack of people, he's right.
  19. E's need to have their flight pay taper off as they progress through years of aviation service like O's do. Plenty of E-8's and E-9 flyers that fill staff and other non-flying billets and don't need to get that much leveled off flight pay.
  20. They're administrative, so normally closed to the public unlike court martials. You might be able to FOIA request it..
  21. The OG/CC, Jim Dittus, was trying to do that in 2014 at the Deid. Then Wing Safety told him that was super illegal to do and went against the purpose of filing an ASAP report (duh).
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