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Everything posted by Azimuth

  1. No, I was being facetious, you didn't pick up on that. A breakaway had already been called by my friend before the ice shield was damage. There's really not much more he could've done, as he doesn't have control of the receiver jet, nor does he know what the receiver is actually going to do (as opposed required to do during a breakaway). Don't really know "due diligence by many people" means when it's a Commander Directed Downgrade. Should the boss talk to people before making a decision? Sure, I've heard that's what happens in the CAF/AFSOC. Does he have to talk to anyone before making the decision? Nope, and a lot of time knee jerk reactions are the norm in the MAF when it comes to flight records.
  2. Well in that case why not Q-3 the pilots up front? Why not the A-Code? I mean ultimately he was responsible for the jet, crew, and mission, right? Where do we draw a line in the sand for accountability? Pretty tough sell when the receiver pilot was accepting 100% of the responsibility for the mishap.
  3. He's now the head civilian in charge of C-17 Academics. Totally worthless. However the OG/CC after him was the one who got pubically chewed out by Gen Welsh for the VSP debacle a few years ago. Thankfully he retired after that.
  4. Well I mean Commanders HAVE to do something about EVERTHING, right? That's what they learn in their little charm schools and "mentoring" from senior Commanders. Of course my Sq/CC didn't remove his Form 8 after his chat with the OG/CC. Who writes who's OPR? You only get to fall on your sword once and if you fall on your sword multiple times, you just get bloody. He wasn't going to do the right thing, though unpopular, for my friend. He was going to do the less controversial thing to not piss his boss off and preserve his promotion potential. In the end, much like the O promotion system, the E promotion system doesn't really factor anything about doing your actual job, so his FEF doesn't meet a promotion board. My buddy is currently a happy MSgt.
  5. I've never seen one open on Sundays. http://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/2017/08/17/chick-fil-at-atlanta-falcons-new-stadium-will-be-closed-sundays.html
  6. It's the same team that knows how to fuck up a 28-3 lead in the Super Bowl and they also just installed a Chick-Fil-A in their new stadium...that's not open on Sundays. Makes total sense.
  7. You can fight a Form 8 all you want, however read 11-202V2 where it says it's the examiner's judgement. It's not going to get removed. Buddy of mine taught in the -135 FTU with me (Boom) and was refueling the C-17 FTU Sq/CC years ago when he crushed the ice shield, then my buddy called a breakaway. My Sq/CC at the time said he's Q-3'ing my buddy, however if the safety report comes back and exonerates him, he'd remove the Form 8 from his FEF. The safety report came back stating that the reason for the crushed ice shield was 100% the C-17 FTU Sq/CC's fault, which he openly admitted to. However when my Sq/CC went to take it out of my buddy's FEF the OG/CC, who's a piece of shit, told my Sq/CC if he removed the Form 8 from his FEF, he would put one in his FEF with the OG's signature on it. So my buddy has a Q-3 for something that a safety report said he wasn't the cause of. In the end after being an evaluator for 10-years I can tell you that unless you caused a Class A mishap, or you almost killed people, it's going to take more than one Form 8 to send you to an FEB. If people got FEB'd based on fucking up aircraft flying there wouldn't be one Boom Operator in the USAF.
  8. Be on time, don't fuck up the rendezvous by having the WSO's try to do it.
  9. Filler? The -135 was built to keep up with SAC's new jet powered bomber, the B-52. The prop KC-97's weren't cutting it.
  10. Both the USAF Booms that I know (one retired, one that did the exchange to Australia) that flew on it, love it. YMMV.
  11. Just in black and white.
  12. McChord C-17's and P-3/F-18's from Whidbey Island come over from the west side of the state to Moses Lake or Fairchild for pattern due to the saturated traffic pattern over on the west side due to SEATAC. I could only imagine launching 30-50+ sorties a day into SEATAC ARTCC control without proper coordination, that would be a nightmare.
  13. Buddy of mine who is involved in the -46 program flew on the Aussie's KC-30 during Mobility Guardian. He told me that "Boeing has a lot of catching up to do." The fucking camera system on the KC-46 is in black/white whereas the KC-30 is in color.
  14. Honestly this is worse than what you're referring too. They didn't even have weather or any other external factor, this was just poor judgment.
  15. I saw a Baseops SSgt once tell a pilot that he couldn't file to a point, then refile his flight plan in the air because "that was illegal."
  16. After talking to one of the guys at A3V, who recommended to the AMC/CC to take his wings, no one could even think of a single way they would've done what the AC instructed, and later did, on that flight after the issue.
  17. That was on accident cause instead of going to idle, he went to cutoff. And after talking to two people that were on that flight he was later FEB'd for other issues.
  18. And not calling a IFE for say...physiological problems...
  19. It was. The Boom and Copilot are back flying. The AC also has an insane story about being accidentally RIF'd from Dyess back in 2010.
  20. Due process isn't a thing with administrative procedures. In fact the UCMJ has been neutered enough with silly things called Military Rule of Evidence (MRE's) that due process doesn't exist in court martial either.
  21. The were on their second deployment. The AC was a crossflow C-130 guy.
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