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  1. Waldo, send me a PM with your .mil and I'll be happy to chat with you about being a flying DATT. Been there recently. It's a great job, but may not be what you think it is, and is certainly not for everyone...especially in Africa.
  2. Huggy, thanks for taking the time to tell us about your friend and his son. My heart breaks for his family and the U-2 Community.
  3. Female? WTF does that have to do with anything? Also, as a man who has flown both the 130 and the 135 for about 1000 hours each as two of my first 4 aircraft (and who has loved both of them)..I feel qualified to say the 130 mission set is much more complicated. She (whomever she is), will be fine if she's a good leader.
  4. Coming left needs to put "Once an Eagle" on his summer reading list. If anyone needs my quals...I'm an EP on books. Also been an IP in 3x USAF aircraft and an AC in another. Because that matters. Oh, and the 135 is hard to land for the first 25-50 landings...and the sim doesn't accurately simulate that phase, FWIW.
  5. Allow me to sum up what Liquid just said. "It could be worse." This, for those who don't know, is the unofficial AMC motto. Don't like your deployment rate? "It could be worse, you could be flying a C-xx!" Missing your kids birth? "It could be worse, I missed the conception!" Etc etc etc...for 12 years I've heard it. I think this is the root of our problems...the guys flying the line are saying "it could be better". Those at the top continue to say, "it could be worse". And the implied statement is. "So I don't need to fix it because so and so has it worse".
  6. I'd love to help you…but, Rule #1 says never talk to the "fourth estate".
  7. The only three C-12 units that aren't associated with the Embassy/Mil-group are at Yokota, Alaska, and a very small group of FTU/Test ops pilot at Edwards. The entire community is small...I don't know numbers, but I'm guessing less than 60 Air Force pilots world wide in all units. If there are general questions about the flying and/or RAS/PAS, let me know on the board (the SAF/IA portal page has great info for attaches and RAS/PAS so look there first). If you have other questions (as Chief SaH seemed to have) specific to your situation and the attache/DSCA gig, please let me know your .mil.
  8. Chief S, PM me your .mil (and smil if you want more details). BL though, most embassy C-12 jobs are also attachés. There are some DSCA locations, but the total numbers are small for both. Your best shot at either of these options is through the RAS/PAS route (just search for that on the portal if you don't understand how those programs work).
  9. I think what Liquid is experiencing now is a great form of 360 feedback...what if every boss was required to maintain a forum like this and address the troops concerns? The boss clearly wouldn't be anonymous, but the troops could maintain anonymity and call him or her out on the BS thoughts, encourage them to have some real balls, and make them aware of issues and/or success within their organizations. The AF would probably find a way to f it up but maybe a contractor could do the job. Also, an aside... slackline and any other new selects, be careful saying things like, "I'm going to school, I'll probably be running a squadron someday.". You'll have a better time at Maxwell or wherever you're going, and none of your bros want to hear you say it, even though they tell you how you're going to be chief of staff all the time. (plus, unless you're BPZ there is probably still a less than 50% chance...) YMMV, but that's just some humble advice from someone who was once in your shoes and probably said similar things. It is great to see dudes who engage on forums like this get picked up though, congrats. Back to your regularly scheduled complaints and ACP questions. What's the over-under on when it'll come out this year? edit: I spell goodd
  10. If you look at the increments the previous (2012 board) will run out of O-5 Selects in December and the 2013 board's Majors will start being promoted... I don't think there is a reason for the AF to delay the 2014 O-5 board, but stranger things have happened. (BTW the 2011 Major's board still has about 10-11 months until they run out of line numbers)
  11. Slack...people are just saying that this dude is just trolling. He's the one who went off book and exposed himself as a troll. Calling names like "pilot pussies" really isn't the way to have a discussion (especially with a bunch of pilots). It also exposed him as someone who is clearly pretending to be someone he's not. He mentions some generals' names and uses first person so everyone assumes he's on the inside. He goes with it...he mentions statistics without giving any...and finally, he uses a screen name with the word General in it. Either he's the worst leader the AF has or he's not who he implies he is. Either way, not worthy of engagement. I can't believe you guys are trating him any different than any other troll. I'm with the others, ignore the dude and he'll go away.
  12. You boys are really allowing this troll to get to you too much...he's clearly just trying to push your buttons. There is no way 1) he is anything other than washed up middle management. 2) means anything he says I recommend hitting ignore ASAP.
  13. Based on the commentary on the PRF thread, this guy is a sham. He's just trying to stir the pot. Either that or he's not playing with a full deck...either way, not worth your time.
  14. Classy. I think we can close the book on this troll. Nothing to see here...move along.
  15. This is the most revealing anecdote and response in this board to date. Assuming Gen Chang is who he alludes to being and not a troll... Wrapped up in the response to someone who, for whatever reason, had to complete a useless AAD in order to continue to serve and be promoted is all that is wrong with the AF. 1)box checking 2) lack of mission focus 3) careerism 4) and most of all, poor, seeemingly impotent, leadership, reliant on platitudes and dismissive of anyone who doesn't reflect their image of a good officer. A better response: Maul, thank you for your service. (better to lead with that rather than the sanctimonious way in which Chang used it) You faced a tough situation. You would have certainly gone to ACSC based on the select status. However, because of timing, I'm sure you know that any chance for a BPZ would be eliminated. Congrats though, as an in-res school dude you have a great shot at O-6. You can stay tactically relevant and hopefully continue to lead from the front. This is a great example of how choosing not to check the Air force approved boxes can bite you. While I don't agree with the system completely, it is the world we live in for now. (while working to change it). Good luck, enjoy school, and get back to the fight soon.
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