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Hair Teeth & Eyeballs

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About Hair Teeth & Eyeballs

  • Birthday 08/02/1982

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  1. I just looked at my orders, my class start date was 23 apr, and my order start date was 10 apr. 3 day travel, 10 day improcess/find a place to live...
  2. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta!
  3. I pcsd with family 3 times for training and only my orders to upt had 10 days extra. I believe it is the way the course is written. UPT says student must show up 10 days prior. (dated 4 years ago)
  4. Nasty, you killed the mood... (I am pointing at you with my elbow)
  5. Nothing more entertaining than a bunch of fat kids fighting!
  6. I googled my name, turns out I'm a British journalist, and radio presenter...google says so...
  7. “I learned quickly that the enlisted females who do well are the ones who keep their mouths shut" At least she learned something in her 17 years...
  8. I see Sweet I am SOF is currently at 69 posts...if he stops posting from here on out and maintains "69 posts" I will believe he is creditable... Edit: I am a fighter pilot, not and english teacher...
  9. I had a flight doc at Luke say they could write a referral to a chiropractor due to the stresses of flying a high-g aircraft. Are there any docs on here that can confirm this? (I am no longer at Luke, and didn't take her up on the offer)
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