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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. 50% truth, if you earned bottom 50, you get bottom 50. You then need permission from your host unit to continue, which most do, but congrats on highlighting yourself. I have seen the bottom go T-38s, welcome to your dead last dude on your T-38 class.
  2. Top Gun quote of the day......
  3. I guess we know where Steve stands on Fox news!
  4. I did 10% in a traditional IRA with a local investment company last year and 5% in TSP due to some GS benefits, worked out heavily in my favor (Transamerica fund). I'm wondering if I should do my 5% into the Roth TSP as well as my 10% into my TA Roth this year. Guess I should just call the investment dude.
  5. What do guys think of the Roth TSP?
  6. Must be a SDE grad.
  7. Seen it in AD, the fighter dudes went BMC and didn't get that some months.
  8. Going to SEC!
  9. An epidemic of masturbation on the space station is my theory, the ladies, well, not so much. BQZips mom an sell them some stuff to help this, but keep that on the DL.
  10. Deleted my post for self preservation, we do live in the same town. Who's the other Rainman? Bu......never mind
  11. matmacwc


    Hungover, only way, makes you not think to hard and do.
  12. That seems like a great deal.
  13. Psssst.....let's go.....
  14. Not totally true, find a unit that will pick you up, could be an easy transfer.
  15. Not gonna happen
  16. The family that slays together, stays together.
  17. Ditka by 69
  18. THAT story is on here somewhere and not false. Welcome to the forums.
  19. WSO above is either drinking something are taking a photo back.
  20. T-38s to what again?
  21. Ohhhhh jeeez......
  22. Expected this, F-35 will continue with some f-16 upgrades in the near term. Bet on it.
  23. Ahhh, you get my sarcasm....
  24. We work a 4x9x8, most days are 9, some are 8 and we get about 2 days a month off during the week, usually a monday and sometimes a friday. We hear a lot of pros and cons, not sure if it will last long.
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