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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Load up a gas station with weapons, what could go wrong? The BONE-R is the best thing I’ve seen open source that might have a chance, tho the name...
  2. Holy shit. I blame the medical marijuana
  3. The other side knows all this, they are duped into what they think is “caring” is actually support for a future voter. They really support ignoring the law and overlooking criminal acts because it “feels” good, and you brought up morals, to a lefty that’s laughable, they kill babies and are proud of it, 41 million last year if you believe the reports.
  4. There is so much info people don’t know, nor will they ever.
  5. 1 post. Read the first couple pages of general discussion and squadron bar and you’ll figure it out. If you see the name “Scoobs” just ignore it.
  6. 200K a year is about the start for an experienced IP ART and my unit. It is better cheddar than AGR but its more work.
  7. The first time I heard "more with less" was around 2005, incidentally this was just a few years after the ops/mx split, its been downhill ever since. In my corner of the AF, the powers that be cut fighter production to almost nothing around 2008 which ended up dramatically increasing work load in the fighter squadrons and lowering quality of life. Choose your reasons why, but for the moment the grass is greener on the other side, it used to just be grass. These swings are not new, and will happen again.
  8. Yeah, unions rock. https://www.dailywire.com/news/39646/union-manages-tick-bunch-ups-holiday-employees-james-barrett
  9. A good one would break more fraternization rules than are in the book. A bad naming nobody would go to, figure it out, it isn’t that hard.
  10. Enlisted aircrew is why this will never happen. Ever.
  11. You don't name a student that, you don't name anybody that. Me thinks VBF would be more tame than what they did.
  12. Not the attitude I want in my fighter squadron and its ignorant to all the other possibilities out there. If you think this place is totally anonymous you'd be wrong.
  13. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rep-martha-mcsally-appointed-to-open-arizona-senate-seat Like I said, Senator McSally.
  14. -100 coolness and reputation, you're outside the circle of trust.
  15. This is the only time sensitive thing I remember, ceremony setup?
  16. You have to move around too much, definitely more than 20 hours
  17. I don’t think you are hearing us, you give up trying for an AFRC pilot slot if you take the enlisted bonus, you tie your own hands. Balls in your court.
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