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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. I know this sounds like a mother AF survey, but it's totally a straw poll. Maybe the higher ups will watch and listen, then again, maybe they will stop loss.
  2. Additionally, what's the deal with the pilot offset. I see a GS-13's pay across the board, from 81K to 93K in STEP 1, what is it?? I know it depends on where you live, but what is the base? Looks like you can make a helluva lot more money as an ART, giving up the retirement and all, but they match in TSP.
  3. Anyone else speak on this topic? I have found calculators in the web that dispute this statement.
  4. Watch what you say! It's up to AFSC to allow Tab access (re-creation), they can lock it down if they find fit. The CoS works for the WG/CC, not the OG/CC, so in the end, its up to the WG/CC.
  5. We've gone from boobs to poop. And I've got nothing to share...
  6. At the 11 year point, got an assignment ALPHA to ALPHA. Not happy about it, no RIP to decline the assignment yet, not too upset about the loosing the retirement, I have a ANG backup. I had an old cranium tell me at one point, if you are not having fun, do something else, thats my plan. I had fun in the Viper for 5 years, but the future looks grim for a non-patch. Anyone work AFPC to delete the PCS commitment? Only way I'm taking that job.
  7. We'll put Chuck, this is also the reason I don't think E's should "fly" RPA's.
  8. Toasty, How much time of your ADSC were you asking for off?
  9. Prop's (sts) to the pilot, but they can fly this plane again.
  10. Poll: Does the average baseops user know what CEP means?
  11. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2007/11/airforce_cosmo_bachelor_071109/ Hate to bring up old shit....but not really.
  12. Spread the wealth around......so everyone is poor.
  13. Make it simple..... https://www.daveramsey.com/
  14. About time for me to put the Palace Chase topic back at the top of the forum list, any takers lately? I'd imagine the new force structure would help somebody trying to PC. Then again I am a 11FXX, tough to get away from an AD AFSC like that.
  15. Standard...even when it's not.
  16. It wasn't all Lt's in the 77th shaving that fat ass cat in the 79th. We put the 77 on one side of it and then a few weeks later we took Robin Old's back over there to shave the 55 on the other side for good measure. Dudes got in trouble for the second act, but PETA never got involved, I was there.
  17. Silent switch is most best.
  18. I believe about 50% of what comes out of AFPC.
  19. Not F-15C guys.
  20. Interesting point, if you graduate college after Oct 99 (ROTC at least), and went to pilot training, you received a 10 year commitment. How did you do it Cage?
  21. Cage was at -38 PIT when I got there, coming from Eglin, hell of a nice guy!
  22. AFI 91-204 will tell you everything you need to know about SIB's.
  23. What is your background? Alot of us are pilots already looking for palace chase.
  24. I just interviewed with an ANG F-16 unit, they brought up the palace chase option. They told me that the AD AF would only think about a 12 month palace chase and they have 3 dudes in the unit that just did it, and if they hired me I would be put in contact with the successful palace chasers. This September is the start of my 12 month window, here's hoping.
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