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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Ive heard this for 20 years, it has nothing to do with nothing. I’ve handed out assignments as a phase 3 commander, taught young dudes how to fly F-16s and been exposed to AFPC on how they handle assignments. I was also a XX-15 graduate, last class in the fiscal year, best drop we had seen in years. Everyone who doesn’t know how this works was thinking doom and gloom, they are wrong. Work it out in your own mind, follow on training for anyone that graduates toward the end of the year, their MWS training will be next fiscal year.
  2. You don’t remember the married flight commander bangin the married female instructor in the O club parking lot while we were there. He wasn’t a flight commander on Monday. I could go on forever, Del Rio is ripe with it.
  3. Thanks guys, the Samsung just seems better for me. I can’t just keep getting iPhones and never try the competition.
  4. Good data, Sprint offered to lease me a S9+ for $14 a month. Pros/cons of leasing the phone other than the obvious?
  5. I’m also thinking of switching to Sprint, defiantly cheaper than the major two. I hear coverage can be spotty but not bad.
  6. Who has switched from iPhone to Android lately? I’m thinking of making the jump to a Samsung b/c they just seem better. I get it, no iMessage, but who really pays for texts anymore. Specifically the Samsung S9+, maybe the Pixel 2 or 3. The next question will be stock Android apps or the Samsung skinned ones? Apple just seems so limiting, thoughts?
  7. Guess there are no airline pilots in the guard or Reserve.
  8. Yes, I know at least 1 dude to do what you spelled out as an ART. In our unit you could make more money just taking orders.
  9. I know guys that did it, just permission from your CC, I’d tell the airline you are on leave until IOE or whenever you run out of leave. Check with your local Bob’s
  10. Don’t confuse their feelings with facts. They start wearing vagina hats and demand to be taken seriously. Or give speeches that prove we made the correct decision in ‘16, thanks Pres O for reminding us.
  11. And things are changing. https://m.france24.com/en/20180907-far-right-seen-surging-swedish-election-outcome-uncertain
  12. At least NS says it may not be desireable, give him credit for that. If you go to far with socialism you get the results even he listed. I say, why risk it? Things aren’t that great in the great white European north, look at their suicide rate, must be Utopia.
  13. Nobody cares about “rights” when they can’t eat.
  14. I like the AZ model for schools, get a couple thousand dollars in donations and your kids go to any private school for free. Those people then file it as such and then get their money back thto next year. It’s real school choice but a bit difficult to navigate around.
  15. Difficult to follow that one up with a joke
  16. ^What he said. I find if you ask them, “Equality outcomes of what?” You’ll get the standard answers then I throw in height/weight/love/friendship and that usually makes them very uncomfortable and change the conversation. There is no end to that road and lots of other people die to establish their “utopia”
  17. I’d say it’s the norm, lots of reasons for that, but still the norm. I think having some differing opinion is good, it helps strengthen your stances or re-evaluate them. That being said, @MooseAg03 , that’s the crux of the matter for me and most non dems I believe. You cannot repackage that first issue into something that makes sense to me.
  18. So a little karma for the 560th is what you’re saying?
  19. Probably so, I think she has been itching to turn the USAF on it’s cranium, probably can as a Senator.
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