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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Maybe Trump will have more latitude after his re-election
  2. I was going to save the mil vs AB takeoff discussion
  3. Sources make sense, again, flaps tied to gear and/or he didn’t have/use enough grunt to get it airborne.
  4. Door drag? Seriously? The F-16 flaperons start retracting when the gear goes up. If the aircraft is heavy and or hot with high density altitude you can settle/sink a little bit when you put the gear up. F-22 probably has something similar, if you’re going with that theory.
  5. Nope, but they can take 160 hours of leave for the month to do indoc and/or initial training then return to the ART world until IOE or the leave runs out. I also know SQ/CC’s are a carve out in the ART/mil leave rules.
  6. What he said, the MPF can tell you when you’re getting your new ID cards, you’ll be fine.
  7. I know ART’s that have done it.
  8. I remember that, it didn’t really change anything.
  9. If I’ve learned anything, there is no such thing as a forever home or a dream home.
  10. Title 5 isn’t great from what I hear.
  11. Tell me everyone is OK. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/04/04/f-16-jet-crashes-at-nellis-air-force-base-outside-las-vegas-officials-say.html
  12. If that thing would have fused....
  13. matmacwc

    Gun Talk

    But you can't deviate from what CNN says
  14. I know several guys that do it, it just makes LA->Vegas so much funnier. I think they read APC threads for show ideas.
  15. Get hit in the head with some books recently Clark?
  16. matmacwc

    Gun Talk

    I'm in exactly the same boat, leaning Glock 43, tell us how the range went.
  17. I know a few good eggs that are still around, most BTZ to LtCol & Col (some both, one guy 2 below to both, future AF/CC as I see it), on there way to the top and their craniums are on straight. Possibly the exception rather than the rule though. I've heard this as well.
  18. Somebody is making ALOT of money off our backs. I'd imagine the cyber dudes could hook up some people, not that I'm advocating for that......
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