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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. #Holysmokesreally? Ok, done, quick survey.
  2. My guess is his exec's have seen it and showed it to him.
  3. Usually happens to the best, didn't know either of them, but I'm sure they were they were great guys. It's a dangerous business and they will be missed.
  4. Not sure if the rest of this thread is a good idea.
  5. matmacwc

    Gun Talk

    That is the problem with the whole thing, its all targeted discrimination, under the rule of law and force of gun.
  6. Back on topic: https://warontherocks.com/2018/03/air-force-in-crisis-part-iii-dear-boss-its-all-about-the-culture/
  7. B/C the same people we a surprised graduate SUPT return someday, and it's probably the easiest IP upgrade I've ever been apart of.
  8. UofA ROTC? I've always wondered why they don't hang out at our unit more, plenty of back seats usually available. Gotta have a chamber card though.
  9. All the F-69 ANG units have 5 open ARTS and a few AGR's to fill.
  10. Like if you hid TS material on a home computer? Sorry.....couldn't resist.
  11. With your location and duty station they are going to royally F up the paperwork, count on it, could be in your favor.
  12. If I had a nickel every time I saved a student from a murder/suicide....
  13. I got searched 4 days in a row going to work at DLF, same contract SF member, I took his badge number and complained to my SQ/CC that day. I never got searched again.
  14. I just hope the scandal doesn't hurt recruiting, me thinks it will. Hmmmmm, that looks like a pic of one of our jets..
  15. Living up to his login name. I did the above route, never had a problem. I think more of the reverse is true, silly T-6 with its prop and P-Factor, how many AF aircraft have to deal with this? I know there's a few, but not the majority.
  16. I give it a solid well below slightly above average.
  17. Hiring currently, no bodies on base yet but getting there. Remember we have AETC, ANG, ACC money and 80 some jets, so it's a bit different.
  18. Uhhh, but not right now, and I thought the problem was immediate. Lots of good stuff in your post, but recruiting the minority, whilst noble, won't fix the now problem. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_ethnicity_in_the_United_States
  19. On iPhone or iPad? Google the fix, had the same problem. Stop looking at tranny midget porn.
  20. I got written up for initialing outside the container once, inspector wasn't happy I didn't take him seriously.
  21. For the academy grads: a·poth·e·o·sis əˌpäTHēˈōsəs/ noun the highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax.
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