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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. matmacwc

    Gun Talk

    I think the outcome is pretty apparent, and it will effect more than we can even think about on both sides. Of course I thought the ACA was going down, that damn Kennedy.
  2. They screwed the numbers to make it look good, when we know it isn't.
  3. Huggy you son of a bitch, you lose the interwebz today.
  4. Weirder is he went to Randolph and stayed at a crash pad but asked about where to live at Sheppard. Not adding up.
  5. This fail brought you by US Cyber Command
  6. The NAV told him to go the wrong way, only way to explain it.
  7. Yes! Montgomery is still a shithole. Nothing more.
  8. matmacwc

    Gun Talk

    They age discrimination lawsuit is a winner for whoever files it though, gents, there is some money to be made!
  9. That company doesn't have anything to do with UPT.
  10. matmacwc

    Gun Talk

    Private companies should be able to do what they want, I don't harbor ill will towards them. That doesn't mean I will shop there. Still better than Hillary.
  11. Ahhh, AETC cross countries. When I was a FLT/CC we were forced to go each class for a weekend, don't know if they still do it. Even the best students fell apart flying around Dallas or Los Angeles airspace, shoot I've seen instructors melt in Los Angles. There were a few classes I pushed pretty hard before cross country on purpose, it only left us 4 sorties for the cross country, so of course I'd double turn to Vegas on Friday then double turn home on Sunday, put a little vacation in the middle of UPT. This could be a thread all its own.
  12. Allow me to quote myself. They aren’t entitled to all protections. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/02/27/supreme-court-rules-that-detained-immigrants-dont-get-automatic-bond-hearings.html
  13. And like 6 single point of failure last time I looked.
  14. What he said. ^ Some people forget it's AETC, in the short term, nothing is that urgent.
  15. The mayor has lost control.
  16. Yup, the UofA is getting f’d Right now, possibly their own doing but whatever dynasty the program has may be going to way of Penn State. It’s too bad to see as a local, but this isn’t a one off. I have a few friends who know inside these programs and tell me they all do it, UofA just got caught.
  17. Wait, the o2 system is broken and you cant detonate the canopy from the outside? This SIB is writing itself.
  18. Not if you all start ground aborting, the Navy did this and a few F-22 guys back in the day, just don't go on 60 Minutes.
  19. I'd go and worry about it later, the ART program sucks donkey balls plus you can't do mil leave as an ART, only an AGR. Excel in UPT, and toward the middle//end, start beating the war drums that you can't accept an ART position due to being an airline guy, they'll get it if they don't already. The airline job you have already might be your saving grace.
  20. Can't let that cat outta the bag I think Freq and Maestro are still in. I think I have it somewhere. Apparently there is a Part II at the 16 WPS but its in the vault, which means it cannot ever come out.
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