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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Meh, washing them out is a big improvement to the timeline. I successfully invited a few people to try a new line of work at the SUPT and RTU level, the paperwork sucks, but its do-able.
  2. Dunno if I'd go that far with the Italians, the EPAF countries are generally (sometimes better, hurts to say) as good as US students. A lot of the countries with cultural hangups have issues, I think a lot of them are fighting through this while they learn or don't pay attention, usually to the female instructors. Take it for what its worth, 10 years of teaching foreign studs to fly T-38's and F-16's.
  3. You are correct sir! I got my full private pilots license (I think they only did this 1 or 2 years, it was great) at the Travis AFB aeroclub while on casual status, easiest thing I've ever done in the AF, and in a T-41!. My actually point was that the youngin' who brought it up commented on the attrition rate from decades he wasn't alive and his parents were probably to young to produce, stay out of waters you know nothing about.
  4. Personally I say the square root of fuck that, nothing written into the announcement about moving onto F-22's after a few years. I know a few of the SME"s and they wouldn't be doing this unless it was an awesome deal but I would feel like I was playing left bench doing this.
  5. There was no IFS during this time, and of course its after starting.
  6. I don't hate NAV's, I think mother AF doesn't like them, my jets background doesn't have them so maybe I just don't understand the need.
  7. Alright, I'll budge a little bit on the Scorpions modular payload, it is pretty good. That being said, how much do those sensors cost, I'm betting that isn't in the bottom line because, well, they are modular. The speed thing cannot be, it's T/W is the same as an A-10, sure its a bit more aerodynamic but I think it's power is underwhelming, on top of that how much do all those sensors weigh? I also think the AF has been trying to get rid of NAV's for a long time, this platform doesn't help that.
  8. Do said foreigners have constitutional protections, and if they do, why?
  9. It'll leak, because somebody thinks they are being righteous or because the (D)'s have the red telephone to the NYT anyway and hell, they would and have.
  10. I told this story 2 pages ago. Style points 4, Situational Awareness 0
  11. Tucson is better, delay as long as you can to come here. The UofA coeds clothing will be getting skimpier as the months pass. We travel more during the B course and we have a decent amount of dissimilar training. We've taken students to New Orleans, Klamath, Portland, Key West, San Diego and Nellis just to name a few. Kelly is an improvement on Holloman though ,as far as jets, we've taken delivery of at least 8 Hill F-16's with plans for more. Kelly has some limitations, namely they come to Tucson to drop bombs.
  12. Wait, what? You left UAL? For what?
  13. Yeah, its ridiculous. The CAF is already hurting and we are going to give them wingmen that can start the jet and thats about it.
  14. How do you know? This has potential.
  15. ^ I'd trust him, he's pre-med.
  16. If you're hurt enough you get both, I've read that disability payments are not something that can be given away or split.
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