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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. High, by the time you can take the bonus your standing in the AF is pretty easy to figure out, the opportunities on the outside are just too good to deal with the BS.
  2. The bonus take rates surprise me, especially the fighter ones.
  3. PEBFORUM.com https://vetsbenefits.net Let your fingers do the walking.
  4. Everyone willing to move to Del Rio raise your hands! Ok fellas, what is our next option, stop loss? Not going to work.
  5. Copy, you’re a weird old man that likes midgets.
  6. Everyone in the ladies future squads, including themselves, know they are not equal due to this change.
  7. Everyone loves a waiver until it comes to something like this......
  8. No, that pretty much sums it up but the Repubs aren't far behind with the debt thing anymore which is disappointing but I guess you have to give a little to make a deal. I enjoy a little political debate as well but a lot of liberals I talk to usually default to name calling once you make a point that isn't emotional. Republicans can come off as cold and uncaring when debating but I'm over it, that kind of sums up the difference for me though, a lot of leftist vote with their heart and righty's with their brains. I also think politics are a religion for leftist, owing to their non-belief of traditional religions, once their party loses or is voted out, they lose their Vulcan minds due to that.
  9. http://www.125fw.ang.af.mil/Careers/ Fly Eagles in Florida, link in top left.
  10. Consider yourself blessed, the 17 year cop in our flight thought we (bag wearers) were unprofessional and not becoming of a USAF officer. The last day of class all she could say was, "two different Air Forces"
  11. Good proof, deflect to everyone and then assume It happened......again. And yes, I would F with other countries elections if I could, in fact, big O screwed with Israel’s but apparently not well enough.
  12. I agree sort of, where is the ample proof? If the media just repeats it 1000 times makes it true? Look, I'm all about sticking it to the Russians (sts) even for no good reason, but blaming a DNC hack (spyware I believe it was) on hacking the whole election is a bit much. She wasn't going to win.
  13. Have it worded in the divorce something along the lines of "if ever entitled to an "active duty" retirement she will get a percentage, its tough to notice or know the meaning of it if not a really good lawyer, she won't get nothing. I've seen it, it works, but its dirty. Kinda like BQZip's mom. The guy I knew got 7250 points right before he retired, checked vMPF daily his last year of being an ART just to make sure he didn't go over 7300.
  14. Finance, security badges and a final doctor visit where you lay the truth out on the table, the rest will work itself out.
  15. Have you ever dropped something in a Viper cockpit 2 hours into a 6 hour sortie, I have, screw that!
  16. Stan Evil and Chief of safety are used as holding grounds for future CC’s on active duty, doubt a flying only dude would get it.
  17. ^This. Fast moving legislation gets us “shovel ready jobs” and bank bailouts, and yes, big O and Bush ar both at fault
  18. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lorenthompson/2018/02/05/u-2-versus-global-hawk-why-drones-arent-always-the-best-solution-for-warfighters/#6175eb0c4d7e someone is on your guys side
  19. That fits a leftist view, he never made money legally and stole it from poor people. Ridiculous.
  20. Even more specifically the day you hit the flight line in UPT. I thought I was screwed out of a month but it isn’t the day you started UPT.
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