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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. I'd just create chaos and distrust, make them too busy squabbling with each other than watching the "real" bad people in the world.
  2. Well I didn't agree with that when big O did it as well, albeit for different programs. I dunno, maybe it has something to do with armed jets flying next to each other over a certain middle east country, the stories I've heard.....
  3. It's to obvious, I'm sure it was on (and still is) a few dry erase boards for possible names, right up there with Gold Medal Ball Licker.
  4. I just wanted off active duty, ANG life was grand.
  5. They're going to have to release the original for this ^ Democratic talking point to be crushed, shouldn't have touched it, grammar or not. You want facts? They used some phony Fusion GPS document to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his people, that Judge must feel like an idiot. It was PAR for the course in big O's government though; try to get the IRS to open a conservative non-profit, try (AS a ctiy/state) to follow immigration law, try to run guns to Mexico (Well, that was easy). He weaponized the government against another political point of view, the cover up and word twisting doesn't surprise me but its fairly obvious. When the NYT or WAPO doesn't want a classified memo to come out, you know you have gold.
  6. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time.
  7. I expect budget cuts in non defense spending, did I write in Latin?
  8. He set up his family in the family business, who isn't to say he's setting up his family for politics. She has a very active role in day to day business of the white house, some would call that experience. I think he is setting up her to run for president, she's a bit more liberal than her dad, so putting 2 and 2 together.
  9. I'll just say it was a pretty good speech. Partisan will be partisan, fine, but America is watching and what the Demo's seem to be doubling down on how they acted last election, keep it up, the Republican party is counting on it. Side note, Ivanka runs as a Democrat in 2024, I think landslide would be an understatement and quite possibly the plan all along knowing how he feels about his family.
  10. Thats not how budgets work, I expect Republicans to cut other things.
  11. We would call him CP, or CoP or Clowpe. I've heard of much worse, "Vagina Burrito" stands out. Knew a S. Korean F-16 pilot who's callsign was "NugPot", its TopGun backwards, silly Koreans.
  12. I did, I wrote and voted, and now my taxes are going down.
  13. I was told by fighter dudes in the -stan not to send coffee, something about going #2 after 4 hours sitting in an ejection seat.
  14. California, winner winner chicken dinner. Admin leave, probably where it will end. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/01/30/military-bashing-california-teacher-pulled-from-classroom-pending-investigation.html
  15. The MEDCON should only take about a week to get approved for what its worth.
  16. No, they'll find you fit because you can "fully" recover from one of these surgeries. It is still possible they will give you 50% disability (minimum for TDRL) for temp retirement and when they re-evaluate you in a a year or two bring you back to active duty. IF you're a fighter guy you might be able to fight for permanent retirement because of the difficulty of getting in and out of a fighter cockpit, your CC will help draft that letter. They won't retrain you at this point, but might give you a desk job. The MEB process will take at least a year, maybe 1.5 and you'll be doing a lot of healing and little working during that time. Don't forget to file for SSDI once you have the surgery, you never know, they might approve it. Yes, you can collect active duty pay and SSDI at the same time. Shoot, just figured out you are a part timer, make them put you on MEDCON orders while you go through all of this, make sure you have an LOD first. IF they scoff, at least try for INCAP pay. pebforms.com is your friend.
  17. 7 day ops? I knew white jets sucked but thats a new level.
  18. I am, and no, you cannot keep both sources of pay. The combat zone aggravation will give you a tax break on the DoD retirement pay. Concurrent receipt (keeping both sets of pay in total) takes more than 50% disability AND a 20 year letter. I think they will find you fit, if not, only temp retirement.
  19. And food for thought, you will be getting 30% of the base pay of a LtCol at 15.5 years (more likely 16.5 after the process) in your retirement. You will not be able to collect VA and DoD retirement concurrently unless the hip damage was cause in a combat zone (or caused be an instrument of combat), my guess is the VA pay will be around $500 a month and the DoD pay will be about $2000 a month, so a grand total of $2K a month with $500 tax free (VA math, trust me).
  20. Tread lightly, it wasn't the GOP that started that.
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