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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. I can't, I'm focused on your lack of a shift key.
  2. Are you sure its 30%? Take the MEB and run, you will get your annuity immediately and TRICARE, the VA may rate you higher and you could potentially make more money. Scroll down to hip replacement, looks like 30% in the end, it also says TDRL, which means they can put you back on active duty if you get better. http://www.militarydisabilitymadeeasy.com/hipandthigh.html
  3. We all work within the laws/rules that benefit ourselves the most, don't like it, change the law or make different life choices. People get butthurt for all different reasons, but that is their problem.
  4. Do you ever accept there might be a time and a place? I can, but it better be end of the USA big. -Just as a side bar.
  5. http://www.guardreservejobs.com/newjobboard/jobs/kc-135-upt-in-phoenix-az-dsg/ Phoenix tankers, good dudes.
  6. You think morale is bad in the military now? And no, I don't think many people would vote for your proposal.
  7. matmacwc

    Like Button

    Doesn't work on desktop with Safari.
  8. Your CC gets the info 7 days before "official" notification, once you get "official" notification you have 7 days to opt out. 7+7 = 14 so.........
  9. Guess we are shutting down, hope people have a rainy day fund. I found out the other day this is the 19th government shutdown, most of the presidents going back to Carter had them. I think amnesty is a bridge a bit to far for the electorate, even further if they knew the history and President Reagan's amnesty in the 80's and how the Democrats didn't follow through on their part of the bargain, they'll just do the same thing again.
  10. Plus paying about 300 a month for healthcare, and your federal tax liability goes up. Like I said.....foodstamps.
  11. So you get to 14 day opt and there will be massive body moves every assignment cycle because they are cutting from 3 to 2, awesome.
  12. Students help other students, its great, but be careful, I've seen it go terribly wrong before. If UPT was 3 years long, everyone would get through it, but that isn't the point.
  13. Gen4 is the shizznizz and extremely complicated, but that tech is over 2 years old.
  14. I was going to tear into this but you summed up what I was going to say, assimilation is the key to all of this. So many immigrants in the past changed their last names so they wouldn't be thought of as "from there" for one reason or another, but in a way, it was throwing a finger at their old country and starting new. None of it was easy in the past, and it won't be easy going forward. If it wasn't so obvious that one side wants votes off a new immigration policy it might be easier to stomach.
  15. With a few exceptions we've been screwing this up for decades.
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