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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. It is on time if you move the time.
  2. White jet dudes deployed all the time when I was a UPT instructor, and this was only a few years ago.
  3. They were forced to do it, it will be more telling in 2019 when that force goes away.
  4. Both of them. I was TDY there for a month about 6 years ago and there was a restaurant that wasn't half bad out the back gate, served everything from fried chicken to Chinese food. There were are few local ladies that worked there and actually were cute, until they opened their mouths, straight summer teeth, some are here, some are there.
  5. It was made to be difficult, it was made to be slow. And if you think our politics are bad, watch the House in London sometime, we seem down right civilized.
  6. He is a doctor, don't let him be shy. BRS is a good deal IF PEOPLE SAVE MONEY. I heard a stat the other day that 70% of Americans don't have 1 month salary in the bank "just in case" . Gotta get that TSP match, and for those who do: https://federalnewsradio.com/mike-causey-federal-report/2017/08/16000-self-made-fed-millionaires/
  7. You need to ask If we are there because of the crazy fat man or China, me thinks both.
  8. Nope, but I do know it takes 4-6 months of no payment to the GTC before it touches your credit if at all. Saw a dude fight the good fight against the shoe's and DTS, after 5 months they started taking $50 a month out of his paycheck and he owed like $7K, no credit bureau notifications. Just be friendly with your RA and everything should work out. YMMV.
  9. OF the dozen or so people I knew on it, only 1 is left, its damn expensive.
  10. "Never pass up the opportunity to keep your mouth shut." His end of course critiques are going to be solid gold.
  11. When You see the cars available in Mississippi you will know if you made the correct decision.
  12. You are an adult, college graduate and officer in the USAF. Buy a damn car, you future self with thank you.
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