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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Because the follow on fighters do, and one needs to mind afterburner fuel consumption for the overall plan. Will I see I should read before I post.
  2. I just don't understand the scorpion love, you guys getting paid? It looks underpowered (from reading the specs, A-10 sort of power) and just butt ugly. If we are going to train the next gen of fighter pilots, we need something that will blow the doors down when you go AB.
  3. T-45 or T-50, already exist, supply chains in place.
  4. Well that got interesting quick. The other rumor was that these students would only be high school grads, you read that correctly.
  5. I guess I wasn't able to snuff out calling line formation tactical when I was in white jet world, too bad. It's a term I have only heard at white jet bases, which tells me it needs to go.
  6. Hope he wasn’t a Tucson grad, we usually don’t put up with that crap.
  7. Who has the skinny on the F-16 RTU students who never flew in Phase III at SUPT and just did sims? I hear there are 2 at Kelly, certainly we have a UPT or Kelly instructor on here to verify. There is more to the rumor but it’s hard to believe. It certainly would increase production quickly.
  8. You have been exposed to the wrong community of the military if you believe this. The best officers I've served with have a lot of "fuck you and your fucking bullshit order" in them, and the best generals I have known, know this. Apparently though, you cannot draw sky dicks.
  9. Gotta do a full penetration afterwards.
  10. There is a plan to stand up the Tucano at DM, it was good to go but just put on hold by ACC, they were even talking about their first deployment. They want dudes dual qual in A-10/F-16 and the A-29 which is pretty cool.
  11. He was practicing the old check and extend bandit.
  12. I wasn't clear I guess, I totally agree with that statement. Sort of, the founders were Christian but didn’t want what happened in England to happen here.
  13. In general I agree with you but..... We are not a secular democracy, we are a constitutional republic, God and Creator are all over the Declaration of Independence, and if the writers wanted the separation in there I believe they would have put it there, at least 6 people signed both. The ones that wrote about it in letters wrote about separation of religion, not from religion. I would also argue that a one persons rights are not more important than another persons. All that being said the military is a different animal, those higher ranking than another can tell you to shut up and color.
  14. matmacwc

    Jeremiah Weed

    OK, I like your drive, where do you want to live?
  15. matmacwc

    Jeremiah Weed

    It's all fun and games until we make you drink it.
  16. I guess we should curl up in a ball and cry for mama. WTFO.
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