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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. If they do it in a hurry what are the chances they mess it up?
  2. Just found out a great CC at Shaw's (mid 2000) parents were at the church and didn't make it. Fuck........
  3. Anything I add would be quibbling.
  4. Masters for O-6 is what we are told, and all PME done.
  5. I'm with you, lets find out everything and then talk about what to do, not jump to conclusions. It's getting old and painting the rest of us as crazies. The bump stock ban is a joke.
  6. The IFF interrogators definitely don't help ,and yes, the ThunderBirds have them.
  7. If my wingman could do a proper post flight walk around he wouldn't have been stuck either.
  8. Diverting is my chance to buy drinks for the bro's on the GOVTCC, and get shorts from the BX, so basically a win/win. I'll tell a story about @ViperStud soon about diverting......asshole.
  9. The runway is 12.6K, it says he couldn't see outside so had to use on board instruments. Aside from landing with no vis (illegal) and trying to CAT III an F-16 (illegal), he should have landed on the captain bars leaving him much more than 6K to go on touchdown.
  10. All you have to do is apply, we tested the waters when it was a rumor and apparently it worked.
  11. UFB, but you can't really parade him around the white house, give up a few prisoners then throw him in jail can you.
  12. GS-2181's should all have a bonus, maybe its just a fighter thing but I doubt it. I would try to use every justification possible to get a higher step, just don't be surprised if you don't get it. I had a thousand hours of pointy nose time when I got hired but I was never an MWS IP, just a SUPT IP, I got hired as a step 1. I have heard the reserves hire only as a step 1, hell, I know a fighter patch that was hired as a step 1. This was a few years ago, most of the new hires that are already MWS IP's are getting step 4 when they get hired. We are an RTU so being an IP is a must, just a small sample size from my corner of the ANG.
  13. You have to get EVERYONE on board, I mean really drink the cool-aid. WE had a helper to teach us to extract email correct schedules and whatnot, it was an asspain for over a year, seems to be working fine now. TIMS or GTIMS is actually better, but thats a whole other ball of wax. We also had WINPex and PEX, though I think WINPex is going away. One was an APP on the PC, the other was web based login.
  14. PEX will do all of it, no need to combo, just takes an ass ton of initial work.
  15. You cannot get the annual fee waiver while retired. My cost/benefit ratio is different, and the AMEX airlines are a weird bunch, though the lounge access would be nice.
  16. Essplain https://thepointsguy.com/2017/09/luxury-hotel-resort-collection/
  17. Holy balls, if you don't commission soon can you even get a "good" 20 years in? My ANG unit kicks out the ART's at 54.
  18. I know dudes passed over for LtCol in the ANG, but that was years ago. Lately, I've seen a few make it without ASCS or a masters, go figure.
  19. I had a friend eject out of a Viper due to a poorly rebuilt engine, it ran for like 100 hours before it detonated itself. If I could put on here exactly what happened you'd be surprised it lasted longer than 5 minutes.
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