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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. They don't much care if you are 100% honest.
  2. There is also an ART bonus that turns out pretty close to an AGR bonus. I don't think prior-e experience would be a factor in hiring at a higher GS level, but thats just me.
  3. Promotions can be MUCH later in the ANG and reserve.
  4. Another example of the AF Times, and person being interviewed, not knowing how the real world works.
  5. You are onto something, its right out of Trumps playbook which I'd imagine is starting to filter down through the government. Demand the moon, makes lots of noise, then happily accept the 75% solution which you wanted in the first place. (I didn't make this up, read his book).
  6. Very small chess pieces being moved around the board, definitely intentional.
  7. Meh, I've built tanker tracks in the middle of the ocean as a non patch fighter guy. The patches plan wars, at least I think that was the original long term intent of patches, and tanker dudes need a seat at the table along with the rest of them.
  8. Call the C-130 porch, I'm sure there is something they can do. As far as pilot training, never say never, but dude, you should have done that initially.
  9. In other news; AA, Delta and United will hire 1k more pilots in the next year
  10. Single engine, gear down then you stop, gear up you gotta go. There is your TOLD.
  11. Don't hit me Be where I expect Look good coming up initial Questions? No? Thanks!
  12. Sort of, but sometimes the young/patch/2 below/never a DO/WGCC's boy takes over your squadron and all you can do is shake your head in disbelief the first year of their command. The fighter community is a small, close knit community but it's difficult to breach the door into the "chosen" few, most of their bios look like they went to college for the first 18 years of their career.
  13. Holy crap, we were in the same SUPT class, he had a lot more hair back then. I cannot speak to his leadership, but he was a good dude.
  14. And emotional argument likely to stir the pot, I like it. P.S. He went apeshit when the church was being used as a market, so I could only guess.
  15. Not unless he see's Americans as untrustworthy little kids and the government as our parent who can give and take rights away.
  16. You should have 2 recruiters, ISR and the unit you are going to, between them they should be able to figure all of this out.
  17. Lets throw another dozen generals and an entire chain of command in the mix, what could go wrong.
  18. Mine was a night F-16 flight, entire base was cancelled due to blowing snow and top 3 was stringing us along, I'd had enough.
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