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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. This only stops when ACs have the backbone to say "no." Good point, they will fry you if you screw up during "extended" crew rest, don't do it. As a fighter guy I'd say no and crack a beer.......done.
  2. Maybe, maybe not, but it reinforced what a lot of right leaning voters believed, which I think was the purpose.
  3. And pretty much all gun free zones, if only they had passed a law.
  4. You missed the point, a few pages ago I linked an article showing a country where guns are severely restricted (I'm being generous) and they are looking into banning knives, now its acid. In effect, I'm saying banning anything will not stop this behavior. I think your point is the gun makes the attack more massive, and while correct, Timothy McVeigh, any 9/11 attacker and so on might disagree with you. I'd argue cars are more dangerous. And a seriously restrictive gun law will not be passed, at least in the next few decades, not even worth arguing about.
  5. No way, then the lawyers would own everything.
  6. Believe it when you see it, I don't know how many times I was told something wouldn't happen and it did. The OG's are usually in the know, but I've seen the request for F-16 B course and I don't think there is a slowdown in the near future.
  7. Whidbey Island as an assignment? That would be cool.
  8. There are other places than Korea, at least there used to be.
  9. You have to be a bit slicker than that, go through your chain, wait a month then call AFPC and see what's been done. AFPC will get the hint, and leadership shouldn't be pissed off. Does AD still have ADPs? Make sure that is filled out showing UPT as #1, you might just get what you want.
  10. I agree with everything but this, if you or I stored classified information on a server in the basement, we would be in jail.
  11. I meant acid, we need to ban acid. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-security-acid/britain-to-limit-acid-sales-after-steep-rise-in-assaults-idUSKCN1C817L
  12. What did you google to find that
  13. Then they start banning knives. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/07/17/ban-knives-delivered-shoppers-doors-proposed-government/
  14. Don't do phone interviews, show up if you are serious, make it happen.
  15. True, they are great, but you can't go near a vault with one on. Additionally, unless you get the new one, the battery lasts about 2 minutes......which sounds familiar....
  16. WTF happened at the Academy last night?
  17. How do you get the government rate on airline tickets?
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