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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Your writing and statements are confusing at best for the most seasoned of aviators, we don't live (when we are able) to live in this area of aviation and do not usually welcome it. If you could articulate it better, we may have a sympathetic ear, if not, most aviators believe you are being vague on purpose. Do not see this an attack, but what your leadership and any board you may meet as the thought in the forefront of their minds.
  2. This is what is RIGHT with the Air Force, they get it correct sometimes, and this time, they got it so right it will give you chills. Kuddos to Luke AFB.
  3. The CAF porch page on FBook just put an update about dudes who have run out or didn't take can now take it. Don't.
  4. Good luck, the leftists in the crowd should know we still don't listen to them or any major news media, cause you got all the polling correct in 2016 and everything. I'll find the list Prager put together to show all the good he has done, its pretty impressive but you'll never hear of it.
  5. Because we should be like foreign militaries......never.
  6. What if I identify as a billionaire??
  7. It shows I posted on the main page but doesn't show up while in the forum. DFresh is a Tranny?
  8. Sgt. Robert Brown US Army Nobody has a "right" to serve in the Military. Nobody. What makes people think the Military is an equal opportunity employer? Very far from it. The Military uses prejudice regularly and consistently to deny citizens from joining for being too old or too young, too fat or too skinny, too tall or too short. Citizens are denied for having flat feet, or for missing or additional fingers. Poor eyesight will disqualify you, as well as bad teeth. Malnourished? Drug addiction? Bad back? Criminal history? Low IQ? Anxiety? Phobias? Hearing damage? Six arms? Hear voices in your head? Self-identify as a Unicorn? Need a special access ramp for your wheelchair? Can't run the required course in the required time? Can't do the required number of pushups? Not really a "morning person" and refuse to get out of bed before noon? All can be reasons for denial. The Military has one job. War. Anything else is a distraction and a liability. Did someone just scream "That isn't Fair"? War is VERY unfair, there are no exceptions made for being special or challenged or socially wonderful. YOU change yourself to meet Military standards. Not the other way around. I say again: You don't change the Military... you must change yourself. The Military doesn't need to accommodate anyone with special issues. The Military needs to Win Wars. If any of your personal issues are a liability that detract from readiness or lethality... Thank you for applying and good luck in future endeavors. Who's next in line?
  9. You tell them you do not know yet, get back to work. I agree the "officially" policy should have come out as well, but he did say the Generals were on board. I do have trouble with estimates/polls/experts when we really do not know how many, as a percentage it is minuscule and the rest of of shouldn't have to wear diapers if somebody else….well, wants a period….meh, you get the idea.
  10. I know you are left of center brother but a lot of operator types and commanders just took a sigh of relief. You need to look on the other side of the coin, the Army commander that has to deploy his unit next year but Bob wants to be Sara and will be out of the deployment due to elective surgery. And lets not mix anything up, it is elective, they don't have to do it to survive life and a lot of people would say their mental state is already fragile. We kill people and break their stuff, anything else is noise. Anything else Duck said, unless he's drunk, which is a distinct possibility.
  11. Just let em build up steam until tonight. It should be interesting though, everyone in the military will see who supports them today in the media.
  12. You mean we don't have to be a leftist social experiment for the time being? Good.
  13. It's a big party, I kinda like it.
  14. I'm telling you, TX isn't all its cracked up to be. The gun laws in AZ are SO much more relaxed and the property taxes are way lower.
  15. When they ask who wants to switch to Tucson for the B course on your first day, do it.
  16. There's probably a man in the mix, a current FAIP or something along those lines for this kind of reaction.
  17. I'd rather pay state income tax versus what TX has going on with property taxes. I was paying $600 a month for a $200K house in TX.
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