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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Good! I've ORM'd myself out of flights in the past, it can be a smart thing to do, especially in AETC.
  2. The data on the mig's is incorrect. The fighter OG's don't want somebody past 5 years, the syllabus says TX-2 is 7 years, so I'm saying there's a chance……. Is that 2 movie quotes in 1 post, shame on myself. And if there was going to be a "first" dual qual Wing, I'm guessing Tucson would be it.
  3. Not funny, try again. The civil air patrol is calling you…..
  4. OK, I gotta ask, what do you do for them. I grew up in NORCAL and got my EE degree just to work for them, but then I discovered flying.
  5. There was always one at Shaw flying F-16s
  6. Wouldn't a transgendered sandwich be a taco?
  7. No, the idea was the old A-10 pilots would transition to the MO F-15Es once the A-10s were gone and be a TFI unit like Langley is.
  8. I hang out in the BX food court with my retired hat on drooling on myself.
  9. Aren't you on the Facebook site? I'll add you if not, Del Rio awaits
  10. Be careful with separation money, it can come back to bite if you go AGR (reserves or ANG) or ever get a retirement or VA money.
  11. I had an OG/CC tell me he deletes everything once a week, even the unread emails, if it was important, they would call.
  12. I'm talking about your paid 3 month European vacation…..and Bendy and Evil can suck it for liking your post. Living down the street from me is a gift, I expect worship. Now how do I like my own post.
  13. From the guy getting the best deal of anyone. :)
  14. For those of you recently retired or remember, does it really take a month before anything shows up? I retired 28 June and just today my pay shows my "Separated Reserve Pay" account which just shows my last AD paycheck, when can I expect it to say something along the lines of "Retiree Pay"? Yes, its an AD retirement.
  15. I'm old enough to know some of the AMC to CAF cross flow dudes from the late 90's, some were good, some needed to go back to phase II white jets. We will see, they will be very far behind their peers.
  16. Eff http://www.wsbtv.com/news/trending-now/report-army-c-130-crashes-in-mississippi-4-dead/555745282
  17. The EIS's have been done for years.
  18. Well, UPT is 1 year, its the people that learn the fastest that do the best. However, I've seen "brick" hands stay "brick" hands for a long time past UPT. You cannot teach coordination or a fast cross check, just as you cannot teach everyone to be in the NBA. Not everyone is cut out to be a fighter pilot, just a fact.
  19. What he said, but realize there is some natural ability in some people, its hard to quantify, but I've seen it.
  20. Thanks! I kinda knew it, but people should see the side of not doing a refi.
  21. Lay it down for me on a re-fi. Home worth about 400K, owe 290K (OG mortgage was for 315K, put down 50K), current rate 3.25 with a VA. I am recently 100% DOD and VA, is there something there? I understand if you cannot talk in absolutes, I don't want to PM, want this info for the masses, my credit is in the high 700 almost 800, in AZ. What can you do, saving $100 a month isn't worth it to me when a new loan will be all interest up front.
  22. Another level of red tape, regulations and self interest. Sounds good to me……NOT.
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