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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Is the writing on the wall for a bloodbath? Me thinks it might be.
  2. I keep telling my liberal friends not to get wrapped up in collusion crap because when the networks finally admit its nothing, they will be let down like they were the day after the election. They are turning themselves bipolar.
  3. UPT directs or established dudes? Are you back in the states yet? As a side note, your additional duty is to travel Europe on a motorcycle if you get into this unit, looked like fun!
  4. I had to go to a beach once. To do beach things, and thats about I'll I've got……good job!
  5. http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/07/03/the-air-force-fumbles-a-post-mortem-on-the-recent-promotion-board-for-lt-colonels/ Just choose reader view if the site wants you to register.
  6. I've seen non-vols put in T-38's, it wasn't good. If you throw the FAC test I bet they kick you out of UPT, you don't have to "pass" it until you graduate as I remember.
  7. Dudes, more of my story to come, but if you are an ANG part timer and get sick or injured, know the regs. The leadership doesn't know them, and there is a lot of help out there for you. My story cannot be told for a bit, some of you know it, but I ended up doing pretty good. Your peers and your subordinates probably don't know this info, most of the pilots at my base don't know it. See attached if you are sick or injured while on duty status or your illness can be tracked back to duty status. Sorry, it was made in pages on a mac. This should be posted in every ANG/AFRC units CC's office. Outline2.pages
  8. Well, you don't remember Vertigo of the past do you?
  9. Two Dogs is full of himself and there are some skeletons but who doesn't, I hope he's making a bunch of money.
  10. Son of a mother fuckin bitch Mac+Safari Ops check good
  11. I know quite a bit about this issue, more to come on it in a week or so. You would have to trace the cancer back to active duty, and the genesis of the cancer to active duty. They will not approve a connection because it was so long ago, you would have to say you had thyroid cancer in 1984 and it showed up in 2011, no doctor would sign off on that.
  12. Lemme educate you, Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF), your attitude is not welcome in my Air Force. There is also a reason the info isn't out there, you're not allowed to know it. The Air Force treats the RPA's as a red headed stepchild, a lot of people there do not want to be there. The Air Force also uses RPA's assignments as a punishment. Would you rather be an F-22 pilot or RPA guy? I know most peoples answer. Unless they are a SpecOps AFSOC RPA fighter pilot.
  13. We land in the crab and do the crosswind thing after touchdown.
  14. Just stop. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/f-16-thunderbird-crashes-flips-over-at-dayton-international-airport/
  15. Naa, I've crossed multiple in it, it does make weird sounds after about 200 miles over the ocean though.
  16. Yes, geniuses closed Ellington as a fighter base but realized we needed air defense on the east coast of TX, so OK sits there.
  17. Buckle down for a couple of years, enjoy the rest...er....bitch about the rest, at least you'll have good stories!
  18. http://www.f-16.net/f-16-news-article5076.html
  19. My BS flag gets thrown down every time i don't hear the crime vs evidence. Content of character vs color of the skin still holds true. Anything else is crap social justice.
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