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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Too bad, this kind of thing happens when we are all assumed guilty right off the bat.
  2. Too bad, we needed the due's
  3. Growler shoots down a fitter, definitely a joke in there somewhere
  4. I thought I'd committed a murder/suicide one night in the back seat landing at Pensacola. I'd rather eject than no-flap that thing at night from the backseat. And of course, I'm the best fighter pilot you ever saw.
  5. A few years ago there was 0 civil aviation in Korea, I was there for a year and there is no way I'd do it if it was available, the WX, ATC and local pilots are enough to scare you out of it.
  6. I get it, I was furloughed in the ANG a couple of years ago! Times (airlines) are good now, how long it will last, who knows. Your corner of the AF was much like the ANG, it was great, but the walls were burning down around you. Big AF should structure a massive program for return to the AF if the economy goes to crap, because it might. If it doesn't, the AF is screwed.
  7. I was in 01-15, last class of the fiscal year, all fighters at DLF. There is nothing to this rumor, then again my drop was 7 days after 9/11
  8. His other posts are a bit weird as well.
  9. Here's a spreadsheet, you only work 12 days a month at an airline, beat that.
  10. And his english isn't quite correct.
  11. Hmmmmm, the smell of 72 virgins at 100 rounds per second.
  12. Are the rounds really that quiet inside?
  13. More props!! Where is he going to RTU?
  14. Is my fighter pilot whiskey compass off? I mean really, ditch the hat.
  15. I got this "tip" from a pilot, I know already a loaded question. Anyone tradetobefree.com ?? He says he makes up to $1000 a day. I believe him, but just throwing it out there.
  16. I'll put this here, pretty badass story and wish him all the best, he sounds like what we need. Some of you may know him, but the fighter pilot community "may" eat him alive if he keeps wearing the hat. http://www.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1206835/from-the-ground-up/
  17. Don't voulenteer for shit, tell them what you will do. Go covfefe on them
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